[center][img=http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d94/Malfoys_one_and_only_girl/240x160StorybrookeRegina.gif?t=1407788618][img=http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d94/Malfoys_one_and_only_girl/Signatures/240x160Robert.gif?t=1408485200] [img=http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d94/Malfoys_one_and_only_girl/Signatures/240x160Henry.gif?t=1407732235][img=http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d94/Malfoys_one_and_only_girl/Signatures/240x160Knox.jpg][img=][/center] "Where [i]is[/i] she?" Dr. Whale fumbled with his words, stuttering a great while before the color in his face drained even more. Talking to Regina personally was a scary act in itself, talking with a very angry Regina was even worse. He looked down at his clipboard for what felt like the thousandth time, hoping that the status of Jane Doe would have changed to 'dismissed,' at least that way he would have an answer for Regina, that she simply went home, but it wasn't that simple. Annoyed, Regina shook her head and dug her hand into her pocket, pulling out her cellphone and speed-dialing Robert. Hopefully by now, whatever had crawled up his ass yesterday had dissolved. Gods knew she needed him right now. Robert picked up the phone, even though he could see it was Regina. He wondered if she was calling to remind him about Mason's papers at the station, it certainly wouldn't be out of character for her to rub it in his face. He wasn't looking forward to this conversation, but it was his duty to answer calls from any Storybrooke resident. "Hello, Storybrooke sheriff's office, how can I help you?" "Robert..." Regina started without any sort of filter to keep out the anxiousness in her voice. "I need you down here at the hospital as soon as possible. The coma patient has gone missing. Don't draw any attention though, the last thing we need is any panic from our residents if they were to find out. The less people that know about this, the better." "Understood. I will be there as soon as I can." He got into his patrol car and drove to the hospital, making sure not to use the siren. This was a very serious situation, Storybrooke's first recorded missing person. He didn't understand the need for secrecy, but now was not the time to get sidetracked with an argument. Regina pocketed the phone and looked back to Dr. Whale who seemed to be talking with one of the nurses who had just arrived for her morning shift. Regina didn't know what kind of information [i]she[/i] would be able to give, but let the doctor do his work. Robert was coming, and that would be...something. Dr. Whale dismissed the nurse after jotting a few things down on his clipboard before pulling his own cellphone from his pocket and gave Dr. Stevenson a very early (but very necessary) phone call. Faye groaned and opened her eyes to see her alarm clock blink 5:59 AM in red numbers. She turned in her bed to see...Henry? She remained still in shock for a moment, before she looked under the covers, and after she did, her face turned red and she felt a scream start to well in her voice box. Thankfully, she managed to keep silent as she got out carefully, trying not to wake Henry, and sneak out of her room after she put on some clothes. Once she was out of her room and closed the door, she sighed in relief, until the her cell phone rang. She fished her cell phone out and she greeted "Hello?" "Dr. Stevenson." Dr. Whale greeted, though his voice far from jovial. "I understand it's early, but we have a bit of a situation down here at the hospital. Did you, uh, by any chance sign any release papers for Jane Doe?" The cell phone ringing was enough to stir Henry awake from a rather [i]disturbing[/i] dream. Disturbing enough that he was layered in a thin sheen of sweat, his breath slightly panicked. Holding his head to try and recall where and [i]what[/i] he was, Henry slowly climbed out of bed. He stooped down to collect his strewn clothes on the ground, getting himself dressed and feeling as though he [b]really[/b] wanted a drink. "So...is it Faye or Hyde at the moment?" Henry called out, though not in an unkind or unfriendly manner - simply wanting an honest answer as he tried to adjust his glasses onto his face. Faye finished her conversation with Dr. Whale, when she heard Henry call out. She paled at his question. He knew about her other persona?! No. That wasn't important right now! Right now her patient had disappeared, and she needed to help everyone find her. She ignored Henry's question as she darted back into her room and started gathering what she needed before she started hurrying towards the door. "Leaving so soon?" Henry asked nonchalantly, leaning against the wall; blissfully unaware that the Jane Doe patient was missing. [i]'Least Regina offered me coffee afterwards...'[/i] He thought bitterly to himself. "Why don't you stay for a bit, Faye. I'm sure Dr. [i]Whale[/i] can handle anything that comes up." Henry said, stating the other doctor's name with disgust; as though it nauseated him to say it. Faye answered Henry, never stopping to chat with him, "Sorry, Mr. Carlyle, but this is an emergency! Jane Doe is missing, and I need to help find her," "Wh-what?" Was all Henry could say, flabbergasted. Snow White was missing? That meant....that meant that it [i]worked[/i] - she was awake! "We...we have to find her!" Henry cried out, perhaps sounding a tad bit excited: an emotion he couldn't help to mask given the circumstances. Faye raised an eyebrow at Henry and she stopped and turned to face him for a moment, and she said to him, "Henry, I think it would be wise if you stayed here," The last time he had met up with Jane Doe, he was accused for being a creep. After she said that, she turned and headed out again so she could join in the search, and as she did she stated "If you happen to see Jane Doe, call me!" "Al...alright." Henry said quietly, placing both hands in his coat pockets. "Faye..." He began seriously, "Make sure she's safe." He told her, showing a sense of almost [i]caring[/i], even though he still said he had no idea who the patient was. Faye nodded in respone to his statement right before she left her house. She hurried to the hospital where a search party may gather first. Along the way, she kept an eye out for Jane Doe. Robert walked into the hospital, and found Regina arguing with Dr. Whale. While the security guard may know more about the situation, Regina would be mad if he waited any longer. "Ok, a coma patient just disappeared. Did anyone see her, do we know roughly when this happened?" he said loudly, trying to interrupt the other conversation. Both Dr. Whale and Regina immediately halted their bickering to look at Robert with scowls on their faces as if he had interrupted something important. "Make youself useful [i]Doctor[/i] and go check the security tapes." Regina said, dismissing Dr. Whale with a slight flourish of her hand. Dr. Whale cleared his throat irritably but did as he was told, leaving the hospital room to find Knox. Once he was gone, Regina let out an audible sigh and rubbed her temples before approaching Robert. "Dr. Whale! I don't think-" David Nolan stopped as he entered the room, finding only Regina and Robert there. At first David thought that he had entered the wrong room, but upon looking around at his surroundings he knew he was in the right place, despite the coma patient being missing everything else looked to be the same. "Uh...is is everything alright? Where's Dr. Whale?" Faye entered the hospital as well and she made her way to Jane Doe's room in hopes of finding a clue as to what happened or where she may have gone if she woke up and walked away on her own... Instead she found Robert, Regina, and most importantly, David in the room instead. She didn't see any signs of a struggle in the patient's room, but there was no clue as to where she could've walked off to. She looked to David and she asked "Mr. Nolan. Could I ask you a question?" She needed to know what the patient's condition was when she was last seen. David looked exceptionally relieved when Dr. Stevenson came into the room. He wasn't sure [i]what[/i] Regina and Dr. What would have done if she hadn't arrived just then. "Of course doctor." David acknowledged with a nod, getting a narrowed look from Regina at the duo of new intrusions. "There is a missing patient out there [i]Doctor[/i]." Regina interjected towards Faye. "Save your questions for your own time." Regina turned to Robert then. "Sheriff Leland, if you can escort Mr. Nolan out of the hospital-" "That is exactly the reason why I wish to speak with Mr. Nolan, [i]Mayor[/i]. He volunteered to read to Jane Doe last night, and asked for my permission to do so. Therefore, he would know best about Jane Doe's recent condition," Faye interjected with a serious tone. "You did what?" Regina interrupted, but got no reply as Dr. Stevenson continued on. Faye then looked to Robert Leland, and she said to him in a kind and helpful tone, but assuming the role of leader, "Sheriff Leland, may I suggest that you check the hospital's security footage? I think the footage of last night may help," Robert nodded, and left the room without saying a word. He made his way to the security room, checking down the hallways just in case Jane Doe was still in the building. When he got to his destination, he knocked on the door, wondering if Knox was on duty, or if it was someone else. Faye then asked Mr. Nolan, "Mr. Nolan, what was Jane Doe's condition when you read to her? Did she move or make any reaction at all?" She kept in mind to check the monitor to figure out when exactly she disappeared. David shifted uncomfortably from where he was. If Dr. Whale didn't believe him last night, why would Dr. Stevenson? "I read the book Henry gave me last night, the story of Snow White-" "[i]What[/i]?" Regina huffed, more surprised than anything, but David continued on, braving ignoring The Mayor. "-she grabbed my hand. I...I thought I was tired and imagining it, so I went home to get some sleep...it [i]was[/i] nearly three..." David didn't particularly care for Dr. Whale, but mentioning that he had told Dr. Whale all of this beforehand would have probably gotten him into some sort of trouble and he wasn't about to start up any new sort of trouble; at least not until after they found Jane Doe...[i]if[/i] they found Jane Doe... Faye sighed at Mr. Nolan and shook her head at him, relieved that Jane Doe was unharmed from David's account, but a little annoyed that he ignored the indications that Jane Doe was waking up. She said to David, "Thank you, Mr. Nolan. But I do hope that you don't ignore something important like that again in the future," She then headed over to the heart rate monitor and checked to see when the monitor flat lined. She nodded and she reported out loud to nobody in particular, "She disappeared at 4 AM," "Where would she go?" David and Regina asked at the same time, illiciting a quick glance at the other. Regina sighed and shook her head, pulling away from the group in the room. She had to find out what was going on in that security room. She'd have to deal with David Nolan later. Faye answered looking to David, "I don't know. But considering how long she's been in a coma, there's no doubt that she would be extremely confused. She could be anywhere in Storybrooke as of now," She said to David "We need to organize a search party and fast," David watched Regina walk out of the room and let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. He always felt as if somehow Regina sucked out all the oxygen in the air wherever she went. "What do you need me to do?" He asked, a sense of heroism in the way he spoke. Faye thought about it for a moment and she nodded to herself before she answered David, "Get a search party together, see if Sheriff Leland will help. Also, tell everyone to keep an eye out for Jane Doe, and make sure that if they see her, they'll call Sheriff Leland or the hospital. We're going to need everyone's help in this," Walking into the security room, Regina found both Dr. Whale and Robert in the room talking with Knox, though they all looked completely lost as to what they were looking for since they didn't have a particular time frame to look at. "David Nolan left this morning at three." Regina informed the men in the room, crossing her arms over her chest. "Dr. Stevenson suggests she left the room around four..." Knox blinked, warily eyeing those who joined him in the surveillance room, before turning back to the television screen. Rewinding to the footage...the security guard pointed to the main television, "Jane Doe got up and left through the back entrance of the hospital. The time was approximate four o'clock, like Dr Stevenson previously mention--can we have less people crowding around, in the security room?!" With a rather tired disposition, he couldn't help but snap out loud, not quite caring who he was addressing. Regina stiffened, and although it could be interpreted towards Knox' cold remark it was instead directed towards watching the video footage, seeing Snow White coming out of her coma and walking out the door as if it were second nature. [i]This isn't possible...[/i] Regina thought to herself as the color slowly began to drain from her face. Rubbing his eyes in an irritated manner, Knox let out an exhausted sigh-yawn, "Sorry, my...I [i]apologise[/i]. I have been patrolling since yesterday, didn't catch a chance for any shut-eye...then [i]this[/i] happens, and I spend hours skimming through the security footage. I'll submit the appropriate reports with accompanying audio transcriptions and footage...." Regina turned to Robert, still pale-faced and at a complete loss for words, expecting him for once to take up the mantle where she could not. Robert frowned and said "It is unfortunate that no one caught this sooner, but that is matter for your employer to review later. Right now we need to find her, I'll leave as soon as I find out who is going to help me search for her. It'd be helpful if someone could find a way to spread word of this, get it on the local radio stations, so everyone knows." Eyes narrowing at the sheriff's earlier comment, Knox blinked more sleep from his eyes in order to give the man a sharper look, before turning back to the television. The Jane Doe...just up and left, during his patrol of the other side of the facility. They were greatly short handed on this day, and no one could really be blamed, though the security guard couldn't help but feel maybe he could have done something. Letting out a sigh, which turned into an outright yawn...they probably wouldn't need him, once the usual number of security staff came in. "No!" Regina scolded, somehow finding her voice in her otherwise stunned disposition. "We can't cause any unnecessary alarm to the people of Storybrooke! A small search party, but that's it." "You can count on me. I'll help you out Sheriff." David said walking into the room. Since Regina had left the door open upon her entry, David had overheard everything and answering Robert for volunteers." Robert looked at Regina and said "I'll give it a few hours before I file the missing person report, but no more. The longer we wait, the harder it gets to find her, and the more likely she is to get hurt. David, follow me, we'll start searching the immediate area now." "I actually want someone to join us before we head out." David said, unmoving and looking over towards Knox. "Where's Ruby at? She's found people before, I bet she could do it again..." Knox raised a brow at David's inquiry about Ruby, giving him a funny look. Unless Ruby had magically been given a blood hound's sense of scent tracking...there was strange sense of deja vu, his mind suddenly remembering that moment of the black out, where he and Ruby stared at each other in the darkness of the security room, "Ruby mentioned going upstairs...?" David nodded and gave Robert a quick pat on the shoulder to signal that he would be right back before disappearing out of the security toom and bounded upstairs to find his favorite brunette in Storybrooke. Regina could only watch and shake her head, giving an audable sigh of irritation as she watched Robert then walk outside of the room to wait for David and Ruby. Her keen eyes glanced over at Knox, her brows softening a bit. Perhaps there was still a way...