Her days of waiting, of being locked in a cell, were over. Life in the cold depths of the Capitol – the center of the High City – hadn’t been too different sleeping on the streets. However, she hadn’t seen the sky in so long. She missed the sun – the mornings and evenings of watching the sun disappear at the edge of the world. She missed running over the rooftops, the wind chilling her skin. And now she would never see this world again. She had made a mistake and she would surely die. Her punishment would be death, and the Seven Sins would not be gracious enough to grant her one last request. Now was the time. They had drugged her – how and when were unknown to her. But they had taken her from her prison and transported her somewhere else. Metal walls were now her cage – and they seemed to hum with energy. Gathering strength, she pulled herself to her feet. Her hands were free, no longer cuffed together to prevent her from escape. Circling the area, she tried to find an exit, but the walls were seamless. But as time drew on, the hum seemed to grow and she could feel the vibration of the floor beneath her. The only explanation she could come up with was that she was in a machine. The ground shuttered, throwing her into one of the metal walls. Fear filled her as the temperature began to quickly rise. Over her beating heart she heard a loud buzz and the sound of static. “Prisoner 162 found guilty of thievery and treachery against the system. The Seven Sins have blessed you with disintegration.” The words chilled her to the bone. Being of the High City, she knew that she possessed certain traits that people of the lower worlds did not have, such as being quicker to heal, the ability to withstand great falls and heat, and agility that aided in scaling walls. Such traits made the High City prime for providing the world with the rogues and warriors they needed. But there were limits to such abilities. And in a world full of those with gifts, even to those who were strong were in danger. However, there was no way to survive disintegration. Out of all the options of how to die, she did not want to be pulled apart atom by atom – to leave nothing behind. The thought was too much to bear. And to die in such a confined space … all she wanted was to be free. The floor beneath her rocked and her cage grew louder as the gears whirled and electricity crackled. And then the world around her went quiet. The world turned white as a resounding bang resounded through the air. The machine rocked back and her head slammed into the metal. With that her world went black. --- The old man was insane. That was all that Gavin could think as he listened to the rumors that coursed around the castle. People still found it difficult to believe that the King’s brother-in-law had not been given the crown. No, for now the kingdom could only be ruled by a regent. This regent was Vincent Avondale - the King’s brother-in-law and a man who would have to fight for the title of King just like every other poor soul. But, that’s where the problem really was. What sort of irresponsible king chose his heir by sending his subjects on a wild goose chase? It was beyond ridiculous. On top of the strange happenings, the man had found himself involved in all of this. He had been called back to the castle, away from his missions and the life he had begun for himself. He had left his home to come to his brethren. And it was here that he was tasked with participating in the wild goose chase. There were too many holes with idea. How would he prove he had brought the Regent the thing he was looking for? How many people would come to the castle with an old relic that they believed to be “from the future”? “Excuse me, Sir Gavin.” The man turned his head as he was approached by a messenger. Grabbing letter out of the messenger’s hand, he glanced at the words scribbled upon the scroll. With his map in hand, he moved from his position against the wall. He had his orders, and he would be wasting time if he didn’t begin the hunt for this fantasy called the Thief of Time.