Takeshi was a true master of keeping coffee in his mugs. There were many times in the past few minutes when it, by all means, should have splashed out and landed on something either staining or burning it. But it never happened, because the young man was just that magical. These thoughts ran through his mind as he entered the nurse's office, following Daniel, and, upon sighting the blood, shut the door behind him and approached his junior, ready to give an interrogation. Though, it should probably be explained how he came to be in this situation in the first place. It all began when he lacked sleep and, two mugs of coffee in hand, set off to give an interview to the man whom he was unable to send to Clarius the night before. That was Daniel. Once he reached the room in which Daniel resided, he knocked on the door. However, the instant his knuckles came into contact with said door, it was opened from the inside. This caused Takeshi to stumble backwards and go unnoticed by the person exiting the room; this was also Daniel. When he stumbled, the coffee held within his two mugs flew up into the air and threatened to land on the hall floor. This would not have been a favorable outcome, so, in an act of godlike dexterity, Takeshi managed to catch the flying liquid in both mugs (still held in one hand) without spilling a drop. Wiping the sweat off of his brow, the young man looked in the direction in which Daniel had gone in an attempt to see where he was going and, hopefully, follow. Lucky for him, he noticed his target just before said target moved out of sight. Needless to say, he gave chase. Needless to say, as he gave chase, the coffee sloshed all around. Needless to say, Takeshi always managed to catch it in either the mugs or his mouth. Takeshi refused to let any coffee go to waste. His pursuit of the young man led him to the nurse's office. It appeared as though Daniel had already entered, exited, told the young girl from the night before to go get help for some reason, and re-entered the office. It was at that moment that Takeshi entered the scene. Blood. The first thing Takeshi noticed upon following Daniel into one of the back rooms was the unmistakable scent of human blood. The slightly metallic, earthy scent was pervasive. The next thing he noticed was the sight of blood. A pool of it on the cot and a trail leading to the window. The third thing he noticed (and it shocked him how this was the third thing, seeing as how this was the reason he was here in the first place) was Daniel, looking out the window. Needless to say, this was a very suspicious scene. Takeshi's normally whimsical, nonchalant mood turned serious in an instant. Something was up, and he didn't like it. He shut the door behind him, leading to the present. The tall, red-haired fourth year walked up to Daniel and set his coffee down. He spoke in a commanding tone that most who knew him would likely be somewhat surprised to hear. "Care to explain what's going on here? You're not escaping an interview this time. I don't care if either of us are late to class, I'm student council vice president. I can come up with an excuse." Before Daniel could have a chance to speak, Takeshi spoke once more. "Anyway, I'll ask again. Care to explain?"