-Alex- He stiffened upon hearing the slightly slurred voice bellowing up from the tree. Craning his neck, Alex squinted into the shadows of the branches, trying to locate the source of the voice. Though he couldn't see much, he could hear the man-at least, the speaker sounded relatively male, and a bit drunk at that. He seemed to be mumbling to himself, and Alex could not discern what he was saying. Swallowing hard, his mouth suddenly as dry as a desert, Alex replied challengingly, "What is it to you?". Alex stood up, and scrabbled around the underbrush for something to use as a weapon if the need arose. Coming up with nothing but a sharp stick, he gave up and instead looked up into the darkness, again attempting to pinpoint the man's location. This time, he could just barely make out the shape of his form crouched in the dying leaves of the tree and the branches.