Appearance: [center][img][/img][/center] A little over 6 feet tall, weighs a little less than what is average. Muscles are there, but not built. Name: Uchiha Shikai Gender:M Age:17 Faction:Kingdom of Fire and Wind Faction Rank: Genin -Cadet of the Kingdom of Fire and Wind Rank:D-Rank Weapon(s): Dual Sai Nature Transformations/Releases: Wind Realease Jutsu List: Kekkai Genkai:Sharingan (Undeveloped, but for sakes: One Tomoe) History(TBH is fine.): He has always grown up not knowing his heritage. Not knowing his own clan, he never truly unlocked his Kekkai Genkai of the Sharingan (if he did, that would ruin the whole No Sharingan unlocked deal). He grew up a seemingly normal life at an orphanage, not knowing what he wanted to do with his life. No clan to give him a name. No one to call family. One day, there was a military enlistment on the bulletin at the orphanage. He immediately jumped at the opportunity before kingdom laws decreed him adult and kicked him out onto the streets. Personality: Even though he's an orphan, he doesn't lead the life of depression. He's really just a laid back kind of guy, but gets stuff done. Once he bonds with someone, he never truly forgets that person. Extra Information: His chakra level is larger than what is considered average for his age. When this can sometimes be useful for pulling off large-scale jutsu, without proper chakra control he can ruin a small jutsu. Password: Pervy Sage is Best Sage