Evelyn held her coat tighter as a chilly wind brushed past. Townsfolk began dispersing coldly, unfeeling towards the injured man as whispers of tonight being ‘cursed’ spread about them. If she hadn’t been so worried for the writhing man in her wake she would have turned around and scolded them a like the children they were. She heard the man mention acid burning him and she was shocked. [b]”Someone threw acid at you?”[/b] she said in a whispery tone, just from the awfulness of it all. How could such evil exist? She knew she couldn’t touch him very well for fear of getting the acid on herself, but she was not about to let him sit out here and moan in pain. [b]”Please…”[/b] she started, taking another step, when he whispered his secret to her. The words should have hit her ears like a cymbal crashing but it was almost like an explanation. Perhaps whoever did this thought they were a vigilante. Shaking her head, Evelyn held out her hand a foot from the man’s long dark mane of hair. [b]”I won’t. But I do have morphine remedy for colds at my home and at least it should ease your pain. And alcohol for your wounds to prevent infection… I won’t take you to the doctor’s but know that I am not one myself. And I will not turn you in. Whatever crime you have committed, sir, does not warrant this punishment I am sure,”[/b] she whispered back, eyes more determined now