Shakuntala nodded, slightly uneasy about talking about the girl. "But where did the attacker go?" She asked, sighing, looking into the nurses office, seeing that no one was there. She followed Daniel in, seeing that the place was empty. shouldn't there be nurses? Shouldn't there be someone? The girl lwasn't there, she could tell that. If she was, there would be nurses. She was following Daniel in when he said to go get help, but Shakuntala didn't want to leave him by himself, and then the guy from last night, Takeshi was there, and she definetely wasn't going to leave him wih Daniel. Shakuntala had the advantage of being small. She opened the door enough to slip through, and shut it quiety. Shakuntala didn't know what she was going to do from here. All she knew was that Takeshi seemed to think Daniel had something to do with the girls attack and subsequent disappearance, and she wasn't about to let Daniel be attacker, verbally or otherwise, and blamed for something he didn't do, even suspected. She wouldn't let her friend be hurt and wouldn't let someone judge him for something that had happened, for being helpful and worrying about someone that had been hurt and attacked. Takeshi seemed arrogant and jjudgemental, and use to getting his way. Shakuntala didn't like that. And the attitude! [i]I'm student council vice president[/i] so what? "I'll explain. Daniel responded to a scream last night. He was with me, Weisse and Nikita. There was no way he could have hurt someone. Now, he, along with me, went to visit the girl and see if she was okay. We found the blood stains, the pool of blood, and that's it. There is no way, other then a helpful and concerned bystander, that Daniel is involved with this girls attack. You are stupider then you look if you think that and are wasting time interrogating him"