Why was she staring at him like that? Her gaze made Fionn feel more apprehensive as he looked into her violet eyes with fear. His trembling didn’t cease in the slightest, even if she had remained silent. [i]She’s probably thinking of different ways to get rid of me. Sonya isn’t one to put up with my sort of crap.[/i] he thought, dropping his fearful gaze to the floor. Maybe if he ignored her, she would go away… His hopes were thwarted when she suddenly grabbed hold of his shoulder and pushed him down the street that she had just had just been on. Fionn yelped as he almost lost his balance a second time, but he regained his balance after a few moments of staggering about. [b]”Daisuke’s house?”[/b] he echoed as he glanced back at Sonya. [b]”Why are we going there?’[/b] It wasn’t like he had anything against Daisuke. He was a friendly fellow who seemed to brighten up the day with his smile. While the Asian boy seemed like a huge idiot at times, Fionn could tell that he was more than just a fool. He knew that he was going to be the type of friend that one could lean on. And even if he was a little too obnoxious at times, he was much better than most of the boys that he knew at school. Fionn thought about his friend as he made his way over to his house, perking up when Sonya called Jak. [i]Jak’s here?[/i] His eyes darted around, but he could not find the dark-haired girl anywhere. [b]”Where’s Jak?”[/b] he asked the tutor, frowning at her with a confused expression on his face. --- By the time that Daisuke was greeting his father, Cyril had already finished using the bathroom. He stood at the top of the stairway, covering his mouth as he yawned. How he wished that he could have gotten a better night’s rest… Then again, how exactly was he supposed to sleep when his aunt was possibly being tortured, or even worse? He shuddered as he walked down the stairs and into the kitchen, glancing over at Daisuke and his father. He was surprised to see that Daisuke was not his hyperactive self as he addressed Hajime, but he didn’t bother questioning him about it. He wasn’t even sure if Daisuke would give him a direct answer. Cyril was dragged out of his daze when he heard Hajime speak up again. He had taken a seat at the head of the kitchen table, stating that he contacted Sonya and told her to bring the candidates over to Daisuke’s house. It seemed like they were going to search for a solution at last… if it were up to him, he would have made everyone come over the night before and not have waited until morning. They wasted valuable time. Then again, they shouldn’t just rush into things, right? They couldn’t have done anything significant overnight… After a while of standing, Cyril finally decided to take a seat at the table as well. He sat a few seats away from Hajime just in case Sonya or anyone else wanted to sit next to him. He clasped his hands on the table in front of him, his eyes staring at the texture of the table. To others, he seemed to be fascinated with the material that made up the table, but instead, he was deep in thought. He wasn’t sure if he should even speak to Hajime. Then again, he should at least display his gratitude… [b]”Thanks.”[/b] Cyril told Hajime after clearing his throat. He turned his gaze toward the older Asian man as he spoke, trying not to show that he was nervous, or even worse, scared. [b]”I mean… thank you for letting me stay. If you hadn’t let me in, I wouldn’t have known where to go.”[/b] He had to admit, the thought of roaming the streets at night with someone after you terrified him. Cyril would have probably been like a grounded bird to a famished cat if he had not found somewhere to stay for the rest of the night.