Signing up for the U-ARM Wing. EDIT: Also some suggestions on where to put our agents. [b]Abimael:[/b] Shadow Zone Wing: Being from the shadow zone himself, he can potentially clue us into typical tactics used by the mutants. Also can avoid being absorbed by mutants, which is always a plus. [b]Colonel Marie Black:[/b] U-ARM Wing: Ballistics Shield that can stop tank rounds? Guess who's probably going to be using tanks this mission! [b]Specialist Carolyn Antoinette:[/b] Retrieval Team: [i]Ditzy[/i] should be able to help scan the position of Eve fairly easily, and if she has any weird thermal effects, the dog will know. The mech itself will help take down anybody that gets through the blockade somehow and/or any minions Eve might have. [b]Sergeant Morai Lee:[/b] Either Wing (not Retrieval Team): Not sure which wing he should go into, but given that his skillset includes pre-set explosives, I don't see him being that useful for the Retrieval Team. Not only will Eve likely be moving all over the place, but explosives carry the risk of injuring her too much (though they might not, I could see him setting up an explosive trap for Eve, but I don't want to be the one to explain to the Council why we brought back a crispy charred corpse). [b]Captain "Daring" Derek:[/b] Retrieval Team (Initially): The fact that he's in the air will be a big benefit towards finding Eve quickly. However, once Eve is found, the only real use I see is dropping a firebomb to block her way, so after he does that I feel like he should help the wing that's struggling the worst. Probably the one that doesn't have an extra man unless contact with Eve goes especially sour.