Ooh, great post!! I was gonna write one now, but I still have a bunch of homework and sleep is probably a good idea eventually. Ahah. Anyways, I will get a post up sometime before 6 atlantic standard time! [i]Young Maiden[/i] [b]Elspeth "Ellie" MacPhee[/b] [IMG]http://i60.tinypic.com/2ytqkub.jpg[/IMG] Elspeth was the beautiful daughter of a farmer and his wife in a run of the mill farm in a run of the mill town. Not much was there in the way of fun, not as young Ellie would see it. She was forced to spend her days helping around the house with her mother, fetching groceries in the market and courting obnoxious young men whom she had absolutely no interest in. It was maddening to a girl with such fanciful dreams as she. But she wasn't even aloud to go play in the fields with her younger brothers let alone bound off on the wonderful adventures she imagined in her head. One day she dreamt of being free from the bounds that she was ensnared in and live her own life away from the farm and the obligations that may have suited another just find but made her cringe at the thought. And she would get this chance, on a day when she had slipped silently from her chores and into the large field that was her backyard she would see a girl. This girl wasn't any normal girl, oh no, she was what Ellie could only assume was an angel from heaven... For she fell from the sky. Little did this beautiful, naive, yet brilliant young maid know that her life was about to take a turn. Adventure awaited her. Finally. [i]The Prince[/i] [b]Alexander Delaware[/b] [IMG]http://i57.tinypic.com/ftoqhu.jpg[/IMG] Alexander grew up a noble life, the kind people often only dream of. His father being the kind of The Westlands gave the young prince enough lenience to get away with rebellious actions... eventually giving the young man a bit of a reputation. His childhood, though fanciful, was what bred these misbehaviours. Being the son of the kind meant coming second to many of the duties such a title came with. But a boy needs his father and poor Alexander received next to none of his father's attention. So, he turned to his mother. Beautiful and young, the apple to the young princes eye right up until the day he watched her viscously murdered by her own brother. Worst yet, at the trial it was Alexander on the stand with his vile uncle sneering up at him. His reputation did little to help his case and the handsome, yet devilish prince was deemed guilty. Luckily enough his charm had won over the Westlands enough to grant him the lenience of exile instead of execution. Years later, Alexander has grown into a dashing man. Working hard as a woodsman in a small, desolate town just outside of his real home. For years the anger had brewed deep within him and when word of the challenge reached his ears, Alexander knew it was his chance. Finally, he could redeem himself and bring justice... for his mother.