[b] Collaboration between YoshiSkittlez and Tanderbolt[/b] Ruby had quickly been brought up to speed with everything that was going on and was brought downstairs to join up with Robert where the three of them exited the hospital through the same back door the Jane Doe had left, putting them directly into the forest. "This place is massive! How are we supposed to find one person?" Ruby asked. "Hey shhh, we might be able to hear her." David answered in a hushed voice, but Ruby wasn't buying it. David had told her back at the hospital that they needed her because she had managed to find Mason in the mines where they could have easily gotten lost, but in Ruby's opinion, it was luck, not any sort of special skill she posessed. She tried vocalizing her opinion back at the hospital, but David was adament about having her come along. It might have been his charming face, or big puppy-dog eyes, but Ruby eventually agreed, though she doubted she'd be much help. "It's massive!" Ruby said again, as if the first time she said it had gone unheard. While they were talking, Robert scanned the ground for any signs that someone had been there recently. He notice a few faint foot shaped impressions in the dirt, obviously belonging to someone who wasn't wearing shoes. There was a good chance these were Jane Doe's, someone who just woke up from a coma and wandered out wouldn't have shoes on hand. Robert cleared his throat loudly, and pointed towards the tracks on the ground. David followed Robert's gaze and noticed the footprints and then gestured out to them for Ruby to see. "See? We follow the path with the foot prints, we find Jane Doe." David said putting a hand on her shoulder and gently urged her forward down the narrow, sloped trail. "I shouldn't be here, I'm just going to screw everything up-" Ruby stopped suddenly, so suddenly that David didn't even have time to react and collided right behind her with an "oof." "Wait...I hear her..." Ruby said, unmoving. Her eyes were wide and darting around, looking for the source of the noise she was hearing. It was like finding Mr. Gold all over again, and Mason. Sounds she could hear that no one else could, sounds that she didn't fully comprehend but knew they were there...just out of reach. "Really?" David asked, looking back to Robert silently asking him if he heard anything. Robert tried to listen, but couldn't notice anything. "What did you hear?" he asked. Ruby continued to look around her surroundings, trying to pinpoint the exact location of the noises she was hearing. "I don't know...I just hear her...or...[i]something[/i]" The thought hadn't crossed her mind that she might have been hearing a wild animal until now, thus causing her to doubt herself but only for a second before looking back at Robert, the noises only becoming more and more clear to her. It was definitely human, and definitely female. Without another word, Ruby started off again, veering off of the muddy trail and ducked into the thick foilage of the forest. Robert scratched his head for a moment, but he was happy to have some sort of lead. He followed behind Ruby, keeping his distance and walking slowly. He'd stop her if she went to deep into the forest, but a little walk couldn't hurt. "Hey guys!" Ruby called out, and David hurried after Robert into the foilage. Ruby hadn't gone far, but she was bent down on a knee looking at what looked like a hospital arm band stuck in one of the bushes. It read: [center]Jane Doe DOB: Unknown 67140404[/center] But that wasn't what had caught David's eye, instead it was the tiny little splash of crimson coloring on the name tag. "Is that-?" David tried, hearing his voice croak. "Blood." Ruby confirmed, biting her lip and looking up at the two men. "Could be from the IV that was in her arm. I hope it's that and not anything else." Robert looked around, trying to see if there was anything else that would help find Jane Doe. Ruby got back up, clearing her throat to shake away the anxiousness that was now building up inside her. "I think she's heading to the Toll Bridge." This snapped David's attention. "The what?" He asked, thinking she had said 'Troll Bridge;' he would have to blame that on the late night reading he did to Jane Doe, the last chapter he had read to her was about Snow White and Prince Charming's love being created on the Troll Bridge after Snow White had saved Prince Charming's life with a bit of Dark Fairy dust. "Toll Bridge. It's a little ways into the forest. Not a whole lot of people know about it, that's why it's my place to go when I need to be alone and think." Ruby explained and led the way once more. "Where is she? Can you see her?" David called out to Ruby, as she was much farther ahead than he was. David eventually cleared the foilage and found a small river that cut through the forest with twenty or so feet of rocks, sand and dirt keeping the trees from growing around it. True to Ruby's word, there was an old iron bridge suspended over the river, a white sign labled 'Toll Bridge' in black and someone wrote in a red 'r' after the 'T' in 'Toll' as a joke who knows how long ago. With his eyes fixated on the coinsidental name of the location, he didn't even see the woman lying halfway into the river, unconsious. "There!" Ruby called out, making David snap out of it and return his attention to the Jane Doe. Both relief and horror flooded David as he found his feet rushing towards the woman, hoisting her up and out of the water as gently and quickly as he could, completely tuning our Ruby's repeated 'Oh my god!' Robert was startled by what he saw, but he had enough presence of mind to call 911. While David attended to the woman, he told the situation to the operator on the phone. David set Jane Doe back down onto the ground where there was a clearing of just soft dirt and sand, his hands cupping either side of the woman's face searching for any sign of life. "No, no no no! We found you!" He said softly to her, though Jane Doe was far from responding. It was very likely she could have drowned given the position they had found her in. "Is she okay? Is she going to be okay?" Ruby called from a good distance away. She wanted to help, but she doubted her stomach would allow her to do so. If Jane Doe was dead... David put his ear up against Jane Doe's chest, listening for a heartbeat but it was nearly impossible with all the commotion going around and the ringing in his own ears. "Come back to us!" David called out, then in a hushed whisper before he even knew what he was saying, "Come back to me..." Removing his head from her chest, he took over by putting his hands together on the center of her torso. He had never performed CPR on a human in his life, but at the vetrinary clinic he had plenty of experience with animals...how much different could it be? He pressed his hands down onto her chest six times, with each push his face eagerly looking on at the still unconcious Jane Doe. He could feel tears pulling at the corners of his eyes as after the sixth one did nothing still. Throwing caution to the wind, David removed his hands from her chest and opened up her mouth and shut her nose, putting his mouth into hers and filling her with all the air he could spare before being forced back to breath for himself. He kept his head low, his lips merely centimeters still from her's and still the Jane Doe did nothing. The tears began to fall from his eyes, splashing down onto his cheeks and hers until suddenly, Jane Doe coughed up a large amount of water, splashing David's face in the process and gasping for breath. David held her head in his hands, looking down at her with a wide grin on his face as their eyes met. Jane Doe woke up with a jolt, stunned by the sudden rush of senses. She saw a man staring at her, and noticed that she was cold and wet from the water. It was all very confusing, and the only thing she could recall was being asleep for a very long time. She recoiled away from the man slighlty, and said "W-what happened?" in a trembling voice, too startled to say anything else. David refused to let her recoil away from him too much, afraid that if he let go, she would somehow slip back into unconsiousness. When she began speaking, however, he eased his hands away, feeling his heart jumping up into his throat. He never really noticed it before, but she was absolutely beautiful; stunning in fact, and her voice, though weak and frightened, sang to him like a sweet lullaby. "You've been in a coma, but it's okay, you're okay now. We've got you, and we're going to help you." He reassured her. "Can you walk?" He then asked, extending his hand out to her for her to help herself up with. He doubted that the ambulence that Robert had called for would be able to reach them directly. She recognized the man's voice, although she could not recall ever hearing his name. It sounded friendly, and inviting, and she believed his words. Slowly, she rose to her feet, they felt uninjured but she was still in a haze after waking from her coma. She said "Where am I?" the first of a long list of questions she had. "The outskirts of Town, Storybrooke." David said putting his hand in hers with his opposite hand on her shoulder, stabalizing her in case she wasn't able to support her full weight yet. "There will be plenty of time for questions later, we need to get you back to the hospital and make sure everything is okay." David looked over to Robert and Ruby, nodding indicating for them to lead the way to where the ambulance was to meet them. Jane walked with them into the ambulance, hoping to find out something about what had happened. She was glad that these three had helped her, and didn't want to think about what could've happened if they weren't there.