[quote=Whirlwind] Evelyn held her coat tighter as a chilly wind brushed past. Townsfolk began dispersing coldly, unfeeling towards the injured man as whispers of tonight being ‘cursed’ spread about them. If she hadn’t been so worried for the writhing man in her wake she would have turned around and scolded them a like the children they were. She heard the man mention acid burning him and she was shocked. she said in a whispery tone, just from the awfulness of it all. How could such evil exist? She knew she couldn’t touch him very well for fear of getting the acid on herself, but she was not about to let him sit out here and moan in pain. she started, taking another step, when he whispered his secret to her. The words should have hit her ears like a cymbal crashing but it was almost like an explanation. Perhaps whoever did this thought they were a vigilante. Shaking her head, Evelyn held out her hand a foot from the man’s long dark mane of hair. she whispered back, eyes more determined now [/quote] "... does not warrant this punishment." Oh but it did. Mithias knew he was bound for the gates of hell for endless counts of murder, and thus suffering never angered him. The acid-burned "man" sat back on his heels and slowly lifted his head. His face was a thing of nightmares, awash in blood, his eyes ruined, sunken sockets above a mouth that mimicked skeletal teeth... fanged teeth. The sight would have made children cry, haunting the darkness of their bedrooms for the rest of their lives. Any normal human would certainly have died from such wounds, but Mithias, wasn't so fortunate. Hearing her uncontrolled gasp, Mithias hid himself behind a hand, still holding a sword. "Please. Look away. ... I can still breathe. I will... 'live' through this." Slowly, he got up, fumbling with sheathing his swords. He could tell by her scent that she was young, strong, and honest in her feelings. Chasing the madman bomb-maker would have to wait until another night. For now, the potential to seek refuge from the alchemist and the crazed hunters was welcomed. He would go with her. he would recover, feed, and heal. This human, this young maiden, had no idea what she was getting herself into, yet her kindness was a sign of great bravery. With the pain subsiding to dull ache, Mithias reached a hand out into the blackness seeking for her shoulder. She found him, and he played the part of mortal as best he knew how, by moving slowly and not stepping too accurately, using her for guidance as they prepared to walk the dark streets. "You are very brave, Miss. I am greatly in your debt. I promise you, I will not die. I will repay you for your kindness. Please, lead me away from the flames. I swear to you, I did not light the fire in Kingsley manor, but I saw the man who did."