Nora heard the sounds of airships ringing out through the village. A sound like that was easy to hear in a place that lacked any kind of crowds and activity. At first, she just figured that airship Jude mentioned had decided to land closer to the village. Then, someone else came crashing into the bar to deliver the terrible news. [b]"It's the Crucible! They've come to Krukow!"[/b] [b]" better have gotten drunk before coming in here."[/b] [b]"No, it's true! You can see with your own eyes!"[/b] Nora once again went outside to check what was going on. But with every step, she just hoped that she wasn't going to see what she was told she would see. However, there they were, Crucible soldiers, headed straight for the square. [b]".....Fuck."[/b] Was all Nora said before racing back inside. [b]"Bar's closed, boys. Get your arses out of here and go tell your loved ones you care before they get beaten to death!"[/b] Everyone had already heard the Crucible were here, and they knew she wasn't kidding around. Even in Krukow, they had all heard the stories. A huge, conquering empire that left nothing but misery in their wake could hardly exist without a reputation that preceded them by 1000 leagues. Nora wasn't hanging around on the off chance the sole battalion of less than merciless Crucible soldiers had been chosen to occupy Krukow. She was getting out of here, even if it meant hiding in the woods. She had already grabbed the suitcase she used for supply runs in Kuiper and was stuffing it with as much as it could carry. Her money, her snacks, and some hooch for good measure. If she couldn't find anyone to sell it to, she could always drink it herself. In the midst of her hasty packing, some of her more extensively inebriated customers started getting in her way. [b]"Hey! The bar ain't supposed to close for another good few hours! I want a fuckin' DRINK!"[/b] [b]"Are you serious? The Crucible will crack your skulls open for looking in their general direction, and you want to keep drinking?"[/b] [b]"Aaaaah, fuck the crewsable, they ain't that tough!"[/b] [b]"Well...."[/b] It was time for Nora to think on her feet. [b]"If you beat a Crucible soldier in a fist fight, I'll give you all the alcohol in this bar!"[/b] [b]"Fuck yeah! Let's go!"[/b] The drunkards charged out of the bar and off to whatever fate awaited them. Nora could only hope they would provide adequate distraction while she got the heck out of Krukow.