Karl slapped the little [url=http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/File:R7_negtd.jpg]Astromech droid[/url] on the top of its dome, to which it tweeted its disapproval. "Just behave yourself, I know what you can be like." He began walking off the bridge of the craft, turning back to see the Astromech busy at work. "Also, make sure you run a check on the weapon systems once the engines are online." The droid buzzed a response. "Yes I know we've never used them, that is why I want them checked." [i]beeeeep[/i] "Because we might need them-" The droid continued to protest to which he just shrugged and walk away. He'd have to remember to do it himself later. He walked down the still open ramp, seeing Alicia standing there at the bottom. Obviously waiting to be invited aboard. "Feel free to come aboard, get your bearings. If you want to dump your stuff in the first bedroom you find, the only one you can't use is mine but it should be locked. I've just been told by control to wait we've got others coming with us." He leaned himself on one of the hydraulic lines that raised and lowered the ramp waiting for the others to show. --- Saba Sebatyne stood up, as did the rest of the masters. "This one, and the council-" She indicated to the rest of the council. "-Have other matterz to attend to. Karl Omi-Ren shall tell you of your mission. His ship awaitz in the landing bay." With that she bowed as did the rest of the council before walking out of the room. --- [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7-IA1zHB2c]Theme[/url] The Planet Kesh, home of the Lost Tribe of the Sith. Rebuilt after the disaster Abeloth brought upon them after the Tribe failed her. A ship, that was easily recognized by those on the planet below. A shuttle launched, down to the planet escorted by two fighters. The Sith Meditation Sphere [i]Ship[/i] hastily fled from the planet, entering hyperspace. As the ship landed right in the middle of a busy street the Lost Tribe were stuck between fear and amazement. The door hissed as the ramp lowered and a cloaked figure walked down the ramp.