Ceres shrugged, moving to take over the wheel from Octavius. A captain should either sail themselves or have their first mate do it after all. She was terrible at finding her way, but she at least knew what island she wanted to go to and how to get there, even if it had taken several days of planning so she was sure she knew where to do. "I'm not expecting anything in return you know. Well, okay, there's one thing. I'd appreciate it if you didn't attack me if we ever met again after this. If I don't get in your way of course." A deal that was heavily in Octavius' favour. It was basically just a truce. And he would get cargo worth a thousand or two gold pieces in return. Plenty to pay for crew and get things started with his own ship. "Anyway, if you change your mind before we leave, you know where to find me." What Octavius did next was up to him. She had never been a captain before, but knew that a true captain only wanted to give orders, not take them. And if the stories were true, Octavius was a true pirate captain. So unless he was needed, he would be treated as a guest on her ship, rather than a part of the crew. After looking at the compass she turned to starboard a bit. Once she was satisfied with their direction she tapped the first sailor that walked past her and put him in front of the wheel. "You're my first mate for now." She spoke with a smile. "Keep the ship heading South-East until I come and take over again." "I'm not your--" The man wanted to protest. He was stopped when Ceres smacked him against his head though. "I'm the captain of this ship. We all want to get to our next destination safely. You're free to follow Captain Cuttlam when we arrive, but right now you're doing as I say." The man was a bit taken aback by Ceres' forcefulness. She didn't have as commanding a presence as Octavius, but it was close enough for the sailor to stop going against her for now. Ceres in turn made her way to the deck, where some sailors were still working to tie up ropes and the like, though most weren't doing anything at the moment. And who could blame them? The marines were out of sight, and the weather was still pretty nice. The woman then found one of the sailors that had sailed this ship already, and gave him an assignment too. "You. Get another guy and make me a full inventory list of what this ship has. Afterwards, bring the barrel I cracked open already and as many cups and tankards as crewmen. I think we should celebrate Octavius' and my regained freedom~" Booze was there to be drank. (No cue disaster just yet...but next post it will happen! :P)