Alianor had glanced about warily upon leaving the cave, scowl still on her lips. She had, of course, noticed the looks from the bandits but hadn't expected on to actually approach her. She tried to pull her hand away, but to no avail, and fear suddenly shot through her mind. Sure she believed Ronan when he said he didn't allow untoward behaviour (if he had something would have happened far earlier) but without him around well... there was nothing stopping him men. She couldn't exactly defend herself and she had no idea how to respond to this man. She doubted a polite denial would work. Her mind was running through all the possibilities, how to get out of this situation, [i]if[/i] she could get out of this situation when suddenly the man wasn't gripping her hand any more. She was confused for a few moments, eyes widening as she glanced over at Gort. [b]"Eh, thank you, Gort,"[/b] Alianor just about managed to stutter out, looking really quite shocked. Well that had been unexpected... Kick the side or back of the knee. Definitely something she was going to remember. Hopefully something like this wouldn't happen again. She would be more careful next time. She watched Gort as he walked off, obviously curious. He was a strange man and she wondered how he had fallen in with these kinds of people. Beyond his appearance he didn't seem much like a bandit. He seemed quite unlike most of the other men. [b]"What?!"[/b] Alianor had just about shook herself out of her shocked daze when Ronan appeared, shoving a bow and quiver at her. She stared down at it in confusion, before looking back up at him. [b]"You're joking, right?"[/b] Her eyes were cold and she looked really quite put out. There was no way she was going out hunting with them. She wasn't going to kill an animal. She wasn't going to do that kind of work. It was beneath her, really. [b]"I will not."[/b] Anyway, it wasn't like she would be of any use. Yes it was somewhat traditional for women in the court to learn how to use an archery for target practice but it was not an activity Alianor had ever shown any interest in. She had only learned to shoot a bow at the insistence of her husband. He had believed she should have at least some way of defending herself. [b]"And anyway, I am more likely to hit a tree or one of your men, accidentally,"[/b] she was quick to put stress on that fact, [/b]"than I am to... you know... hit... an animal."[/b] She glared quite angrily at Ronan. It was all his fault she was having difficulty properly making full, coherent sentences. He could not force her to do something like this. And he was mocking her. Mocking her! [b]"A change of clothes would be appreciated, however."[/b] As loathe as she was to wear trousers she would rather that than stay in this dress. It was, after all, rather ruined. Something clean would be better really. Although she was not going hunting. No way.