[quote=Kira Chan] Can She have powers? Shes not a Kid but.. Edit: Powers/Abilities:: She can easily control others with her songs, when she sings its hypnotizing, to some it dosent work but mostly anyone can be hypnotized. [/quote] sure! that is fine! [quote=archie] i have an idea for a character i am not shore how it would work he was bashed for being handicap ther sent to a handicap camp where he was bashed for being male he almost got a sex change figured that would make people happy still wrestling with it felt mother wanted a girl. what is a good powerbtw sex change is online only wont happen in rl [/quote] sure that is fine! Thank you both for asking! [quote=Kira Chan] I JUST READ ALL THE CHARCTER SHEETS YOUR NOT TINY CHILDREN YOUR ALL TEENS AGGGHHH.... lol [/quote] Lol dont worry!