[b]"Maybe I will,"[/b] Alianor growled, looking really quite annoyed. It looked like she really was going hunting. She had hoped she was just going to be left to her own devices until Ronan decided to get rid of her in exchange for some money. Seemed it wasn't going to be that easy. But hunting! It was quite an unladylike activity. It was popular among some of the men at the court for sport but certainly not the ladies. They would never even consider such a thing. Alianor was quite taken aback by the cheerfulness of the other woman, added to by the fact she hadn't though there were any other women in the camp. Well she had obviously been wrong in that respect. She narrowed her eyes in a scrutinising manner. Why would any woman, no matter what class they came from, lower themselves to working with men such as these? It just didn't make sense to her at all. [b]"Well, thank you,"[/b] Alianor murmured politely in the response to the compliment. And what she said about her hair was true, so she wouldn't take offence to that. It would be nice if there was some way to brush it. [b]"Nice to meet you, Kessah. And no thank you, something normal will do."[/b] The last thing she wanted to do was attract any more male attention. And it just wasn't appropriate anyway. She was surprisingly polite, though, when she spoke in reply to Kessah. Maybe it was the fact that she was a fellow woman. It made Alianor more inclined to trust her and less likely to judge. There could be all sorts of reasons for her being here. Alianor was quick to give comments about what was being made for her, although she didn't have many adjustments that had to be made. What she ended up with was pretty plain, of course, but it would do. She had tried to get it made for comfort more than style, the opposite of what she normally wore but necessary for whatever she was going to have to do. She wanted something comfortable if she was going to be doing something like hunting. Once the outfit was done she thanked Kessah quite genuinely, darting off into the cave to get changed in privacy. It took her a while to managed to get out of her dress, even if it was simple it wasn't exactly made to be easily put on and taken off. But soon enough she emerged fully changed. The outfit was practical and comfortable, yet still relatively fitted enough to enhance the curves and body shape she had. The whole thing just felt... odd to her. She was so used to having some kind of skirt and had gotten used to walking with one. She wasn't sure what she thought of wearing trousers. [b]"Well, I'm as ready as I'm every going to be."[/b] She frowned, obviously still not happy with the prospect of being forced to go hunting. However, even if she wasn't going to admit it, she was quite pleased with with the clothes Kessah had managed to fix up for her.