Opening his eyes again, he noted Phoebe had drawn her wand and looked back into the rainy evening. How should he answer that question? The consequences weighed heavy upon him. The story of how he was recruited immediately after Hogwarts to join the Aurors was certainly a safe one, but that wouldn't explain his ghostly vanishment. Furthermore, since it was Phoebe, he didn't trust himself to not spell out the terrible secret he was sworn to keep. If the Circle found out, reprimands were not out of the question. How far they would go? He wasn't sure. The Auror was still trying to figure that piece out himself. Pulling out his wand, the Yew wood that it was made out of still felt the same as the day when it choose Justin to be its wielder. He walked towards her. "Don't be stupid with that thing," he said as he pointed his wand at her ankle. He hadn't meant to push her so hard. "Ferula." He watched silently as bandages wrapped around her ankle. He was no healer. Far from it. But the basic first aid care was a necessity amongst his line of work. He had to do the same to Finius once. A large laceration to his torso. While the spell stopped the bleeding, a large scar remained. He swallowed. How he missed Finius already. Noticing Phoebe starting to shiver, he put away his wand and motioned to the building behind them. How curious. It was the very cafe he had met Bently at earlier. "Come on," he said. "Some tea will warm you up. Plus, you can't be on that leg. You'll need to get it seen later." Walking past her, he went in and found a free table. He ordered his typical green tea and another that Phoebe drank back when they were still in Hogwarts. He never forgot details like that. As she took the opposing seat, he exhaled deeply. "It wasn't easy leaving you. You have to understand that. After graduation, I was given an ultimatum by an Auror. If I left right then and there, I'd be given direct acceptance into the Ministry's Auror department." Accepting the tea on behalf of both, Justin took a slow draft of the warm liquid that burned in his gut. The stuff always calmed him. "I can't tell you anymore than that. It becomes more complicated." Leaning back in his chair, he looked at Phoebe. A thought appeared, one h hoped she'd reject. "The only way you'll hear more is if you swear to total secrecy and discretion." Shifting in his chair, every single instinct in his body screamed no. He wanted to leave before he dragged her into his world of impending death and danger for the both of them. "The Unbreakable Vow, Phoebe. Otherwise, deal with the Auror story and walk out of here. I meant what I said when it was by complete coincidence that I ran into you tonight. If I knew you were at that bar, I would've avoided it and went somewhere else. But, I urge you to reconsider and forget about me. Go back to your family and friends. It's the better path, believe me."