[b]Saber[/b] The King of Knights lowerered her sword. The dragon had been placated for the moment, the blonde-haired man's return of her eggs to the nest seemed to have given her a momentary pause. There was no reason to risk the lives of the others be re-engaging the creature. Saber turned to face any who still remained in the cavern. "We must leave. Now." With that, she began to swiftly make her way out of the cave. The creature, she was certain, would not pursue. She was too concerned with her eggs to continue attacking those who had exited the cave, Saber guessed. She would not want to leave them unprotected. The blonde girl turned to face the cave exit, then paused and glanced over her shoulder. Was... that... a cat person? It was kind of... Saber had not expected to see some kind of cat person out of no-where. They were... oddly cute... Saber found herself staring for several moments, before she swiftly refocused, turning to face the cave once more. Saber needed to ensure that everyone made it out alive. With... the exception of the flaming skeleton. He had... seemed intent on not killing just the dragon, but everyone in the cave as well. Archer's choice, while sudden... had been the right one, in this case. ---- [b]Jakuzure Nonon[/b] The light faded from Nonon's cannons. While there was still plenty of intact forest, she had wrought a rather impressive path of destruction to the creature before it hit. Hmph. Good, that ugly thing was down permanently and now it was no problem. It wouldn't be polluting the air with that awful noise any longer! Or attacking people, that too. Still... had something hit the monster before she finished it off? There was a lot going on, so it was hard to tell, but Nonon though she saw something explode out of its back... Well, figuring out what that was could wait. "Good thing that's dead," she commented, relaxing a bit for a moment, "It was so ugly I think I would've gotten a headache if I looked at it any longer." And then... oh, great. There was more noise. A whole bunch of big things running away... and then even bigger things approaching. Well that was just brilliant. Now they had to deal with more stupid, annoying monsters... and the redhead who now thought she was a cat was running away. Well, one thing at a time. All the things sounded like they were coming from one direction... so Nonon didn't have to think for too long to figure out what she was going to do when they showed up.