Couldn't agree more Yog. While prequels are all well and good you sort of need a bit of a base to go from/to, a final destination if you will. Until then you can just simply reference these past events in dialogue or the (very) occasional flash back with a bunch of text. Overall I think adapting a roleplay to a comic might be a bit easier as we've already got a script(s) of some sort laid out, all we'd need to do is organise it into a more linear chronological order and focus on one fight scene in one issue and then the next in another rather than trying to put them all into one thing. As for characters those that disappear from the RP can simply be killed off whereas others who pop off for a bit can simply be edged towards the background for a while. p.s. If you need any help with drawing just send me a pm. p.s.s. Expect a post on the morrow cause it's late and I have college in the morning.