Good different? In who's opinion? Adrian began to wonder to himself, he felt the line of thought shatter as Cassie wrapped her arms around him. Adrian instinctively replied on kind, wrapping his own arms around the small woman. He felt much taller, he could now comfortably rest his chin on top of Cassie's head, something his last form would have had to stretch to do, even if only a little. He didn't say it, but he nearly replied with 'I thought I was dead too' and he most certainly didn't mention how close he had come to accepting it. Had he been able to remember life as he was feeling it now, he couldn't imagine he'd have relaxed in the grey waters and let death take him. He felt a lump rise in his throat as Cassie pulled back, tears sprang to his own eyes as he felt her punch. "Never, never again. Not to you, not for anyone." As he wrapped her in another hug he couldn't help but look past Cassie's blonde locks to the people behind her. They hadn't trusted him, these friends of the Doctor, the man he was supposed to be. Her meant what he said to Cassie...not for anyone...but somewhere inside his mind he heard an echo - the Doctor lies, it said. Adrian may not have known better than most (those who knew the Doctor at least) at that moment, but even he had a feeling the Doctor had lost more than one life protecting this planet. Adrian looked down at Cassie as she spoke, in some way the Doctor had sacrificed himself to save her too, long before either of them could have met her. Adrian smiled at her words, the new mouth felt odd and he knew he would have to shave, the scruff hadn't been this distracting in the last body. "I'm still him, I'm still me." He most certainly wasn't the Doctor yet after all. "I promise." He added then paused and frowned slightly. "Speaking of which, I'm starving." He added in a bid to lighten the mood and grinned to try and hide the fact he himself was on the verge of tears, he gave Cassie a kiss on the forehead and hugged her tightly again. That wouldn't do at all, save a planet and start the waterworks, a universal legend crying because he almost died. It really wouldn't be a good start to him filling the Doctor's shoes. Of those watching, Martha had pulled a smaller radio from her back pocket, a spare since the last had been damaged in the excitement. As the new comer to the Doctor's crazy world (or universe) got to grips with the fact her friend had just transformed, she was speaking into the radio. "We'll need a clean up crew...probably quarantine the area too..." Akana was watching the woman as she spoke, she glanced at Adrian then looked back at Martha. The man was the amnesiac (if he still counted as such she wasn't sure) form of a man they clearly respected, but he was still by all rights - disabled. Akana took the initiative and placed a hand on Martha's shoulder. To the Silurian's slight surprise, the woman (who had looked as of she had been concentrating) didn't jump or even tense at the contact. Instead, Martha paused and lowered her radio and turned to look at Akana. "I was brought here with the promise the man I know as Adrian and you know as the Doctor, would be able to help me negotiate for my people beneath London." Ever the one to get straight to business, Akana explained the situation without sugar coating it for the woman. Martha wasn't the sort to need sugar coating though, she was slightly surprised though. "Another outpost?" She lifted the radio again. "And bring someone cleared for negotiating with Silurian's." The voice on the other end gave a quick affirmative. "We'll have it cleared up for you, if he trusts you and your outpost then there won't be any issue." Martha reassured the Silurian. Any further conversation was stopped when something shining gold flew through the air. The item darkened as it travelled across the room, it's entry point still rippled with whatever energy had sent it. It only shone silver because of the reflected lights when it made contact with Adrian's head. His resulting cry was one of shock than pain. One of his hands held his head, but the time had already started its descent. A 'ping' of metal on concrete broke the following quiet. Adrian's hand lowered from his head, he was uninsured, only surprised. He took a moment to step back from Cassie and picked the time up from the ground. "It's a key." He said in a dumbfounded voice, clearly not recognising the significance. However, the noise that started behind him was as recognisable for him as it was for Jack and Martha, if for different reasons. When the wind picked up, Adrian hugged Cassie close again to protect her, this hadn't been in his hallucinations. The forming blue box was a sight he couldn't feel anything but glee at the sight of. He relaxed his protective grip on Cassie as the wind died down and the TARDIS landed. Adrian didn't need anyone to tell him what to do, he looked at the key still in his grip and then at the lock on the door. He pulled back from Cassie for a moment and smiled down at her to reassure her. "It's okay, I recognise this." He whispered to her and stepped away from her to then begin walking towards the box. He placed an hand on the door a moment and slowly pushed the key in place. The TARDIS had landed between the door and the scanner. Adrian didn't notice the globule of black matter drop off of the side in a manner befitting a very much dead creature. Adrian turned the key and pushed the door open, the sight of the console room had him entering the TARDIS in a dreamlike state. Shadows of memories came to the forefront of him mind to make themselves known. But so many doors still stood closed, their knowledge locked away from him, so the significance of names that came from the faded memories was lost upon him. A creak snapped Adrian out of the dream state, he had just stepped over the threshold. He whipped round to face the doors as they closed and locked. "No..." His muttered and rushed at the doors, his frantic hands found the lock and twisted but the mechanism wouldn't budge. His heart rate only skyrocketed when he heard the sound of what he recognised to be the engines start up again behind him. "No, no, no!" He cried as he battered on the doors. "Cassie!" He yelled, outside the blue box began to fade again. "I'll come back! Cassie! I will! I'm coming back! Cassie!!!" He couldn't hear anything on the other side, a small part of him mind guessed that part of the reason for this was his yelling and banging. It certainly wasn't helping him hear any reply from the other side of the door. The TARDIS faded completely, leaving as if it and Adrian had never been there.