Alianor spent most of the hunt silently fuming. They had no right to force her out like this, traipsing through the forest and trying to get her to slaughter animals. She kept her bow at her side as, unfortauntely, Ronan wasn't quite in a position where she would be able to shoot an arrow at him. It was obvious from how she moved that she was stiff and sore from the traipse the day before which only served to make her all the more grumpy. Really if she could she would shoot all of his men instead of an animal. It wasn't that she had anything against the killing of animals, it was the natural cycle of things after all, it's just that she didn't want to do it. She didn't think she could. She preferred to just eat food and not think about where it came from. That was always the easiest thing to do. The sight of the deer lying in the mud, dying slowly and obviously in pain caused Alianor to gag slightly. They could have at least gotten a clean shot. [b]"What?"[/b] she looked confused for a few moments as she was handed the knife, staring at the item in her hands before her gaze hardened. The glare she sent at Ronan was almost harsher than the others, more hateful and judging. But nonetheless she took a steadying breath and knelt down beside the poor creature. [b]"Fine."[/b] Closing her eyes she quickly finished the job, staying crouched where she was for a few moments as she opened her eyes and stared at the now bloody knife in faint disgust. Then the slightest of smiles crept across her lips as she slowly turned away from the doe. She quickly darted forward, stabbing the knife into Ronan's leg and making sure it lodged itself into his flesh. Then she jumped back, standing up and brushing off her hands with a slight smirk. [b]"Done. You happy, now?"[/b] her words were venomous but it was obvious she was reasonably pleased with herself. She also didn't seem to be actively trying to actually kill Ronan, after all if she had been she would have aimed for somewhere much higher than his leg. She had just wanted to cause him some harm, and had seen her opportunity. It was somewhat of a release of all the days frustrations.