Overlooking the town square a lone merc looked over the scene below, Mattaus lowered the telescopic sight on his rifle before slowly pushing himself back from the edge of the roof. He had just witness the commander of the Crucible soldier sent the mayor flying through the town hall, that meant he was some sort of mage, and also that this was not a good situation. Climbing back down the ladder he used to get up there he turned to Lena who had been waiting for him in the alley behind the buildings, keeping an eye out for any soldiers heading there way. "Hey this is not good, the Crucible pukes got soldiers crawling all over the place, I dunno if we will be able to get through the town." Lena held her chin with a gloved hand, coming up with a plan of action. "Okay well going around will take too long, if I go alone I can maybe slip by unnoticed, you have to head back to the Missionary camp and warn them that the Crucible Navy is here, we both know their relationship with them and if they stick around they'll get kill. "Okay, you be safe alright. I'll tell Thomas what is going on." The black haired woman nodded and moved the the end of the alley, peeking around the corner she made sure the coast was clear before signalling Mattaus that he was clear to go, the boy ran past her and turned to head back to the Missionary camp, hopefully he would get there with enough time before the Navy found them, Lena meanwhile ran out to cut across the road to the next alley, being cautious so she did not draw any attention and hiding from the soldiers that came her way. It was not that hard to spot them coming when she was sneaking about, the pristine white jackets made those idiots easy to spot and gave her enough time to find someplace to hide, if she did get caught up some where she just stopped and hide her rifle behind her back, she looked like a civvie after all with most of her weapons hidden away under her clothing. It felt like slow going but really she was making much better time than she would have going all the way around the town and this also gave her a chance to assess the strength of forces present in the town, though that mage Mattaus mentioned sounded like he would be a lot of trouble. Lena had never told her merc buddies she was a mage herself but she had no idea if her own power could measure up to that of the commander.