[quote=Raen Elvarasi] *Pat* *Pat* It's okay. Kiku lost an arm too. I bet we will all lose one at some point, as it seems to be Brovo's humor that propels our enemies. [/quote] And some internal organs. Don't belittle Kiku's propensity for getting owned. As for Jorick's ideals on NPC placement, I do not agree with them all. Not that they are terrible, but here are my thoughts. Abimael-Retrieval Squad: As has been stated, Abimael is not exactly a perfectly loyal being yet, as far as we know. We have managed to get him on our side, but what is to stop his loyalties shifting? It is dangerous to send him against mutants so early, when instead we could reinforce trust in the Bunker by having him help recover Eve. It should also be noted that Eve might also take well to the sight of another mutant. Col Maria Black-Shadow Zone: The fact is, Col Marie is going to be an asset wherever we send her. She has a powerful Electricity rifle, which will probably be one of the best weapons we have against Mutants with tough skin, and truthfully, she might be the only being that possesses the firepower to down one of the Homonculi from last round, which will almost certainly be involved in a mission to recover Eve. Sergeant Morai Lee - U-ARM Wing: I agree with Jorick here: Explosions are good vs organised, easy to predict targets. Specialist Carolyn Antoinette - Recovery Squad: If anything, I want that little Ditzy for this mission, as she is most likely going to be able to track Eve the best. Also, having considerable fire power is going to be useful, since there is no doubt going to be at least a few enemies who bleed through to Eve. Captain "Daring" Derek: Mobile- He should focus on helping out the recovery squad and the Shadow Zone the most, since U-ARM is more likely to have Anti-Aircraft weapons than anyone else.