There was always this one moment before falling that seemed to last minutes, like it was being played in slow motion. It was when she realized what was happening and when her body started to brace for impact. Emery screwed her eyes shut in preparation, ready to roll away once she fell to minimize injuries, but the point of impact never passed. She opened one eye tentatively as she felt a pair of hands stabilize her, and smiled when she realized she had been saved by the dark haired technician. He did fix all the problems, after all. [b]"Perfect timing, Isaac!"[/b] she said, grinning up at him. [b]"I saw a big freighter land in the northern forest. Do you wanna go see?"[/b] Isaac had then asked about the hunters and guards milling about town, but she didn't have an answer. She hadn't even realized until he pointed it out, as she had been too absorbed with the earlier commotion. This was turning out into the exact opposite of a listless day, it seemed. And as if to prove her point, another rumbling echoed in the horizon. Emery looked at Isaac, brows knitted in worry, and pointed upward, to where a white airship—smaller and sleeker in comparison to the earlier anomaly—made its way toward the town. She could identify immediate differences between the two aircrafts, but what worried her more was the emblem it brandished. It seemed the Crucible Empire was paying their little town a visit. Emery grabbed onto Isaac's shirt instinctively, fear etched in her eyes as she looked to him again. [b]"What do we do?"[/b] she asked, slightly frazzled. Her sister warned her countless times to stay away from the Crucible if she could help it, and she knew enough from the stories to know of their brutality. With her free hand, she reached into her skirt pockets and retrieved her folded hi-tech goggles (Crucibellian technology, ironically enough) and put it on. The system initialized automatically, and soon enough she could zoom into where the airship landed. Dread filled her as she counted the number of white-clad soldiers marching out and relayed the information to Isaac. A Crucibellian army this size could only mean something horrible was about to happen. Before she powered off and refolded her goggles, she caught a glimpse Aubrey not too far away, looking to the distance as she had. From the look on his face, she could tell he already knew about the news. [b]"Aubrey's over there,"[/b] she told Isaac, and then proceeded to pull him along as she ran toward the blonde boy. Having someone to run with helped her balance, and she managed to get to Aubrey without any more mishaps. [b]"We have to get away from them, Aubrey,"[/b] she said, frantic. Emery was about to grab him and pull him along as well, to find refuge in the northern forest, but then she remembered something and she started panicking even more. [b]"No, wait. Your mom! Let's get her first and then hide!"[/b]