Ba'al accepted the response from the Sorin, still ceding that the vampire had more use and capability in this situation than he. "I would point out that the Viewer brought me. The most I have attempted is simple time travel," he called back, before settling to watch with his Zat held out for self defense. Not that it might be able to do much, but it was better than nothing. So he watched as Sorin summoned minions for himself, vampires that went charging in to their deaths with hisses and drawn swords, dealing some damage before they were quickly dispatched. And then all of a sudden, as a distraction, a...mole, thing, emerged from the ground some distance away, firing a weapon towards the dragon and scoring a hit in the process. Then there was a sudden flash bang, insects seemingly self destructing to blind him. Fortunately, his symbiote allowed himself to be healed of that rapidly enough, and his eyes followed the beast a sit rose up and began to come down. At them. With giant limbs. Naturally, Ba'al scrambled away, trusting that Sorin could see it for himself and react accordingly. He jumped down to another level, away from the impact zone, and fired at the cloud of bugs that churned around it, to see what happened. Either they would absorb it, or it would overload them, or even killing them like it was supposed to. The only way to know was to try with a few well placed bolts