Hunter stared at the girl and made a mental note to scold Jaina for dumping this girl on him. "Right." he started to lead the way, hearing the girl follow him. "And just call me Hunter, being called Master makes me feel old." They walked down a flight of stairs and turned a corner, passing other Jedi. "However, if you verbally disrespect the council in front of me again, we can face off in the training room with the training lightsabers at max voltage, and I know for a fact that you don't want to get hit by those. Or fight me, so if you have unpleasant thoughts about the council, keep it to yourself. They're the only reason you're still here." They entered the hangar and saw a female Jedi board a ship, "Huh, that must be us." They walked to the end of the ramp and Hunter shouted up into the ship "Hello!? I'm looking for a Karl, anyone in there named Karl?"