"[b]I [i]know[/i] so.[/b]" Nobuo said to Whitney. He noticed her cry some more. He looked to her. "[b]I wasn't [i]always[/i] a good fighter. None of my team weren't at the time.[/b]" Nobuo recalled the first time he and two women became Akibarangers and their hardships in being a Sentai, let alone being an unofficial one. "[b]But we were able to improve ourselves and become stronger.[/b]" He recalled several times where he and his teammates came out on top: The time he summoned the real DekaRed to aid his fight, the time Mitsuki helped them out of their drunken stupor by quoting Boukenger, and the time Yumeria's mother came to help them during their battle. He placed his hands on Whitney's shoulders. "[b]I know that you'll be a good fighter as well.[/b]" Nobuo heard the roar too, breaking him out of his "act like how a classic Red leader would act" moment. Whitney followed up with the comment that the dragon wants to take someone's life. He had the choice of bringing Whitney back to the fray or leaving her here and going back for the others. Of course, there's the choice of just waiting out, but that's not very heroic of him, he thought. However, several people ran out of the caves, though at a different part of the cave than the way they entered. Something must have happened. "[b]Hey, Whitney, you wanna come with me or do you want to stay for a bit?[/b]" Nobuo asked.