Collaboration between Tanderbolt and I (with Yoshi as an NPC) *~*~* Once back at the hospital, Jane Doe had been filled in on almost everything that needed to be discussed with her about her time spent in the hospital. It was to the entire staff at the hospital's disappointment (and to David and the other's) that Jane Doe couldn't tell them a thing about herself. She didn't know her name, where she came from, what had happened; her only recollection was sleeping and for a very, very long time. There were little snippits she could share, like being able to recognize David's voice from when he read to her, but nothing substantantially important as to what her real identity was. After Jane Doe was comfortable and settled back into the hospital bed where the doctors could now run full tests on her, Ruby decided to call it a day. She and Knox had spent the entire night patroling the hospital and she was overdue for some good, solid sleep however she found that during their search Knox had gone home, no doubt to catch some sleep as well. The keyring in her pocket suddenly grew heavy as she realized she still had a key to his place; the least she could do is pop over there real quick and tell him that they had found Jane Doe at least, and so Ruby left the hospital to head over to Knox's place, knowing Granny would understand if she took the day off. She [i]did[/i] manage to save a life after all. David sat on the edge of Jane Doe's bed, keeping her company while the doctors poked and prodded her. She was even brought a very light meal consisting of Jell-o and water, not wanting to send her into immediate sickness with having solid food in her stomach for the first time in...well, as long as anyone could remember. David didn't leave her side though, taking it upon himself to entertain her and make her smile and laugh to help pass the time. Due to the apparent memory loss, she would be staying at the hospital for a bit longer until the doctors felt that she was ready to go out on her own or if her memories came back, a silent prayer going through the hospital that it would be the latter. "What do you think you'll do, you know, once you get released?" David asked bending at his waist slightly to circle a word he had just found in the wordsearch the two of them had been working on for quite some time. "I'll have to find a place to live, and a job. It'll be hard, I don't really remember anything I could put on a resume. What do you think of this town, anyway? Is it a good place to live?" Jane Doe said, trying to get some basic information about where she was. "Storybrooke is the perfect place to live when you're not really sure what you can do or what you are capable of." David answered honestly, and circled another word. "I work down at the pet shelter, we're a little short on staff if animals is your kind of thing." "I'd love to work with animals, I'll be sure to stop by once I get out of here." David beamed. It wasn't really anything to grin at the way he did, but it was almost impossible for David to hide his happiness. "Did the doctors know anything about what happened to me? I can't rememeber anything since waking up." Jane Doe said, still frustrated by her amnesia. "The only thing I've ever heard is that Mayor Mills found you on the side of the road a while back, in a crashed car." David shrugged. "It must have been pretty bad for you to lose your memory so bad though." Almost sensing her frustration, David extended his arm out and put his hand loosely on top of hers, meeting her eyes in a sincere gaze. "Don't worry, I'll help you remember, whatever it takes." "Thank you, you've been so kind. If the mayor is the one who saved me from the car wreck, I'd like to meet her and thank her in person. If it wasn't for her, I probably wouldn't be alive right now." David seemed to hesitate at first. Regina wasn't exactly known for her kind words lately, however his thought process was completely detoured as Dr. Stevenson approached the two of them apprehensively, looking as if she might be afraid to interrupt them. Faye didn't want to interrupt the two, but she did need to do her job and give Jane Doe the results of her diagnostic tests. She walked up to the two of them, and greeted the two of them politely, "Hello. I'm sorry for interrupting, but I'd like to give Ms. Doe her results," David nodded and started to get up from the edge of Jane Doe's bed. He didn't need to be around to hear the results, it was personal information intended only for Dr. Stevenson and herself. "I'll go grab us some lunch. I doubt that Jell-o tied you over much." Jane looked in David's direction, and waved at him "I'd imagine I've worked up quite an appetite after a few years of sleep." She then turned to look at Dr. Faye, and said "Thank you, doctor. Anything I should know about up front?" Faye watched David leave and as he did she warned him "Just to be safe, don't get her solid foods," She then looked to Jane Doe with a kind expression and she answered as she gave Jane Doe her results, "Well, you seem to be in good health. There really isn't any other major problems," Jane smiled, and said. "Good to hear. Thank you for taking care of me, I feel pretty good even after what's happened. What did you say your name was?" Faye smiled and nodded to Jane in response to her thanks and she answered "It's really no problem,". She answered Jane, "I am Dr. Faye Stevenson, nice to meet you," She then added, "I'm sure you'll be able to make some new memories here in Storybrooke," She stretched out her hand to offer a hand shake, and said "Nice to meet you, I hope my new memories are good ones." Faye shook Jane's hand and after they shook hands, Faye's pager beeped, and she said to Jane, "Oh, Duty calls! Have a good day, Ms. Doe," After she said that, Faye left Jane Doe alone and hurried to take care of another patient.