Vast fiery plains, volcanic rivers and the man sitting there on the demonic throne in front of him, that's all that Jack saw when he emerged from the black void like hole. He let out a low hum like sound as he look at his surroundings, he soon came to notice all the others that were there as well. Looking back to the man on throne he paused, staring at him without any sign of emotion due to the mask that was covering his face. "Where are we? This is not the Void, not where I was heading... Which of you insolent fools brought me here and what is your reason for bringing me here? Do you not know who I am?" The tone of aggression becoming stronger and stronger with every one of the questions he asked. His right hand moving the hilt of the Sword of Aeons that was poking up over his shoulders, only to firmly grasp it in his hand. "I'm waiting for an answer!" He barked as he grew more and more impatient upon waiting.