Looking back at Jack, the God of Hell sits up straight. "This 'Jack' has said what is all on your mind, and I will answer the question. You are all here for my entertainment. You all will have to work together to leave this place. And don't even try to kill each other. The Imp will explain further. " The Imp flies down to the group. "From this moment, you will be fighting, solving puzzles and grabbing loot all your way thought the Ten Levels of Hell. if you have ever been here before, forget everything you know because this ain't like anything you have seen before." Another puff of smoke goes around the group. "Your weapons, other than basic ones, have been displaced throughout hell. you may or may not be able to find it." Suddenly, the floor caves in right in front of the group, and a staircase is revealed. "Ah there's our que. Lets go." The imp flies down the stairs, and beckons the group to follow.