Suki narrowed her eyes, "A self appointed investigator? What are your credentials? Show me an official police badge, and maybe I'll talk to you" She said with a snort, "Weisse was with us when we heard the scream,and so was Nikita. So we have alibi's for the girls attack. The body? Its a girl, not a body yet! She was still alive, the blood here proves that. Open your eyes. If Danial wanted to throw her out the window, he'd be all bloody now. Any blood on him? No" She shook her head, "There is no evidence, besides circumstantial, that Daniel is involved in this" She shook her head, sighing. "By your argument there's no way a minor can be an investigator. So anything you ask here means we can keep silent, unless you are older then school age, in which case, did you get held back a few years?" She said, shaking her head again. "You have fancy words and fancy ways of trying to turn everything to your advantage, and expect others to just go with what you want, but your logic is flawed. You think yourself above the rules, but you aren't. You don't have the power to be investigating this, and in fact, you will just make it harder, or effect any evidence you find because you are blundering along. Here's a theory, maybe you are the culprit and are trying to pin this on Daniel or anyone else" She said sighing. She glanced about, "Fine. You know what? I came across Daniel, Weisse and Nikita in Daniel's room, and investigate the cheer and the mention of biscuits yesterday. We chatted for a while and then heard the girls scream. Daniel ran out, and I followed, and I believe Weisse did as well. Along the way Daniel pulled out his katana to protect himself and maybe attack the attacker-I don't know. We arrived and saw the girl. We took the girl to the nurses office. Daniel invited me to stay in his room as the attacker wasnt found, but I ended up staying in Nikita's. In the morning, I went to my dorm, showered and chagned, grabbed my gear for the day and headed back to Nikita's room, Daniel coming across me. We walked here together, and found the girl gone, found the whole place empty. The blood is already drying. We've been here, what five minutes? Not long enough for the blood to dry. We didn't do anything, nor is there any evidence to suggest that. Are you happy, or do I have to go get an adult and state that you are harassing us?" She placed her hands on her hips, and stared at Takeshi, her face impassive, as if she had all the time in the world. It was probably more funny then anything else but Shakuntala kept the pose.