"I have no problem I was just telling you that normally when you knock into someone you at least apologize, but I suppose you aren't aware of the basic rules of proper manners or social conveniences." Loki responded, "however seeing is how I'm really not in the mood to start anything with anyone especially someone like you. You're not really worth my time, so good day to you." Loki added bowing with sarcasm as he turned to continue to walk away. Loki just grumbled lowly under his breath, this day kept getting better and better. The young god just brushed off the stranger or at least tried to he knew that sometimes he could come off as a bit brash and maybe a little condescending one of the many reasons why he didn't have friends, and why people didn't like him very much. He didn't care he would rather be alone, or at least that's what he kept telling himself where in reality he hated being alone, being an outcast.