Hey there! Since I've been craving them more lately, I figured I ought to make a separate interest check for fandom stuff. As far as rules go, I don't have many and I'm not really a strict enforcer. All I ask is that you: - Can at least give me one paragraph of content that I can actually reply to. I certainly don't mind long ones either. - Aren't impatient. I haven't been replying too quickly lately, but you can expect to usually get at least one a day! That mostly depends on the length, though. I can usually get shorter ones out faster. - Can handle mature topics. You know, the usual sex, violence, and gore kinda thing. I don't mind fading to black if necessary, though. - Are literate. I'm fine with spelling and grammar mistakes here and there, but it gets a lot less fun when I have to spend an hour deciphering what you're trying to say. - Can play the male or don't mind doubling. - Don't mind doing this via PM. - Don't mind me playing an OC (Unless we both are or we're doubling.) Roles in parentheses are what I'd rather play, and anything with an asterisk beside it is what I'm craving. [b]Elder Scrolls Online*[/b] [sup]Still new to the universe (and the game) but willing to research.[/sup] [b]TERA: Rising[/b] [b]Dota 2*[/b] [b]Blue Exorcist[/b] [b]Tokyo Ghoul/Tokyo Ghoul:re***[/b] [b]Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic***[/b] [Hider=Pairings] Ja'far x (OC)* Alibaba x (OC) Hakuryuu x (OC) OC x OC [/hider] [b]Eragon:**[/b] [hider=Pairings & Plots] Murtagh x (OC) OC x OC To Pass the Test: ||Set before the events of the books.|| Vroengard was only so large, which meant that some training had to be done elsewhere. One teacher was notorious for sending his students off into the wilderness for a final test. A pair of Riders are chosen to participate together, and must work as a team to make it through the three months they'll be away. It won't be easy, with treacherous weather and dangerous enemies to deal with. Their biggest hurdle could very well be that they aren't allowed to use magic unless the situation is dire. With all that, can the pair and their dragons make it home in one piece? Five Eggs: |Slight AU| Galbatorix managed to salvage five dragon eggs, keeping them safely hidden away. After Eragon and Murtagh became Riders, the king was intent on hatching the remaining three. He found matches for two, and imprisoned the newly christened Riders to see whether they would join willingly or not. If they do, will they enjoy the destruction they bring, or will it wrack them with guilt? If they refuse, will they try escaping before he forces them to submit? Magician Uprising:** After Galbatorix's fall, there was peace. Years passed without major incident, but trouble was lurking just beneath the surface. Nasuada's crackdown on magicians caused quite a stir, and many were less than pleased. Because of that, a great many of them gathered in secret where they wouldn't be bothered. Eventually, someone sparked the idea of staging a rebellion. There were a great many there, and it was revealed that some were quite accomplished at what they did. A great deal of inventing was done, and new weapons of war were developed. Experimentation was done as well, some of which was human. When they felt ready enough, they made their move. If civil arguments wouldn't change her mind, they would have to retake their freedom. Without any major aid, things quickly became dangerous. So, Nasuada sent a request for help to the Riders, hoping to stop the rebellion before it got out of hand. ||Was hoping for Murtagh x (OC) here, but OC X OC is fine.|| The Egg Thief:* |AU| As a last resort, a young woman joins a party of thieves as they attempt to infiltrate Galbatorix's castle in order to steal a precious egg or two. As luck would have it, she was the only one to get away with the egg in tow. The king is naturally outraged when he finds out. He sends Murtagh - who hasn't yet run away - after her. He begrudgingly complies. When he finds her and the newly-hatched dragon, will he help her escape or will he bring her in? ||Could also work with OC x OC.|| [/hider] [b]Dragon Age:**[/b] [hider=Pairings & Plots] OC x OC Anders x (OC)* Alistair x (OC) Cullen x (OC)* Iron Bull x (OC) Mage x Templar:* After a daring escape, a mage is hunted down using the phylactery she left behind. Once the templar catches up to her, he realizes that he knows her. Once he learns the reason for her escape, will he have it in him to bring her back? Mage x Templar: A particularly talented and withdrawn young mage has been accused of dabbling in blood magic by a slighted Apprentice. Instead of passing judgment without proof, they assign a templar to watch her on a daily basis. Anders x (OC):* The fighting between the templars and rebelling mages is heating up at an alarming rate, causing more chaos than either side probably wanted. However, neither seem intent on stopping any time soon. After a battle neither of them intended to be in ends, they recognize one another from their days in the Circle. Can't Trust a Darkspawn:* The Warden let the Architect go to continue its research, which proved to be a bad idea. Some time later, townspeople and Wardens a like begin disappearing. A group is hired and sent to investigate. After some searching, they find that the Architect actually had no active role in it. Instead, one of the darkspawn it "liberated" has begun its own experimentation. With that, it has begun creating an intelligent army with the intention of avenging its fallen brethren. [/hider] [hider=Fullmetal Alchemist] Edward x (OC) Roy x (OC) OC x OC Although the military is trying, no one seems to know why the citizens of villages are vanishing without a trace. Survivors claim that they've been taken by 'monsters'. In reality, they are being carried of by creations of a mad ex-State Alchemist who wants revenge on the government for being indirectly involved with his wife's death. After the investigation leads to him and his base of operations, it's discovered that he's using the captured villagers to create an army of the monsters - his Golems.[/hider] [color=ed1c24] [b][h3]Please send me a PM if you're interested! I'm horrible at checking the thread and I'm not getting notifications for it.[/h3][/b][/color]