Clarius had no trouble moving the boxes around, as well as setting up the room as his sister barked orders. It was the normal thing for him, and at least this way he could keep in shape. Plus, it would all be worth it if she was happy at the end during the club meeting. A happy Diana meant that Clarius was going to have a few days of relaxation. Well, relaxation by his usual standards. So, he'll be working 23 hours a day instead of 24 for a week. He was just about to put the final box into the Occult Club closet when a cute girl walked up to him. He didn't recognize her, and she didn't look like a first year, so she had to be a transfer student. Clarius wasn't one to forget a face when he saw it, even when he didn't have their name. However, she was speaking English. Clarius' name might have been Western, but that didn't mean he knew advanced English. He was aware of the basics, since everyone around the world knew the basics for English. From what little he knew of English, what he managed to get out of her sentence were the words "You""Help" and "Boxes." Hopefully, she understood Japanese and she would understand what he was going to say. " No thanks, this is my last box. I'm helping my sister set up her Occult Club. You can attend the club if you want to, everybody is welcome. It would make my sister's day, as well as my own, but for a completely different reason. " Did he leave his motive open to interpretation? Of course. Did he do this on purpose? Of course. Was he trying to use everything in his power so he could get an extra hour of freedom for seven days? You bet he was. Even slaves need breaks, especially someone who was as busy as Clarius. Good thing he had Takeshi, without him, he would never get anything accomplished. He did care for his friend, but having an errand boy running around really did make everything better for him,