A sly grin formed on Captain Storm's face as he saw the fear in the eyes of the Rift Hunters and the people. [b]"Lieutenant Strong,"[/b] he spoke up, making the blonde man next to him stand at attention. [b]"Start rounding up the runners."[/b] A devilish, toothy grin formed on his face, revealing his canine teeth were abnormally sharp. [b]"Yes sir."[/b] Before the two men could leave, there was a rustling sound behind them. Turning to face the destroyed town hall, they watched in shock as Vladmir Maximus pulled himself out of the rubble. Still holding his hammer, he once again stood tall and proud. Albeit now very dirty, and blood trickling down from the corner of his mouth. There was a silent standoff for a moment, before Storm began clapping. [b]"I am impressed,"[/b] he confessed, turning to fully face Vladmir. The mayor didn't respond. Instead, it was clear that his rage was building. [b]"You managed to survive my Burst Shot. That is no joke, my friend. But unfortunately, that now means I will have to kill you in some other means. Perhaps my Wind Slicer will do the trick. But then again, parading your head around might seem a bit too barbaric for Crucibellia..."[/b] Vladmir raised his hammer, before slamming the handle against the ground. The sound resounded throughout the town square, silencing the captain. [b]"I would die honorably if I knew that my people would be taken care of,"[/b] Vladmir began. [b]"But in your hands, they will only suffer."[/b] The other Rift Hunters seemed to have a boost in morale, now taking up their arms. Noticing this change in the dynamic, Storm and Strong took a look around the square for a moment. [b]"Are you truly prepared to die for no reason? No cause?"[/b] Storm spoke up again, holding up two fingers pressed tightly against each other. Noticing this, the lieutenant took a step back from Storm. But Vladmir stood still. [b]"I have a cause. To protect my island, my town, my friends and family. I don't care who you represent, you will not have your way with my people."[/b] A devilish grin formed on Storm's face as Vladmir raised his hammer and now held it in both hands. He was clearly ready to fight. With this sign, the tension of a battle about to begin took the town square. [b]"My cause is stronger,"[/b] Storm said simply, before raising his arm threateningly, preparing some form of attack on the mayor. But then he stopped as he heard the sound of someone approaching. --- Weston walked rather silently toward the town. Even in Varren's company, he had nothing to say. However, as they got closer, Weston could see people running about frantically toward the outskirts of the town. And in the distance, over the rooftops, he could see the top of a Crucible Interceptor. A frown formed on his face, but he continued walking. Only when he and Varren reached the town did he have something to say. [b]"Go and search for a mechanic,"[/b] he instructed, waving one of his hands as a form of dismissal. [b]"We need to have our ship up and running in less than thirty minutes."[/b] He knew that Interceptors never flew alone. There would be one or two battleships with it, in the off-chance the locals put up a fight. The Interceptor was always the 'greeter' of the annexation process. While Weston didn't particularly care which direction Varren started searching in, he was walking straight for the town square. As he passed fleeing citizens and those frozen in terror, he approached the line of Crucible soldiers. The situation was tense, he could see that. But he knew he needed to provide Varren and the rest of the crew a distraction. Repairs would take time, and with the Crucible this close someone would need to keep them busy. Seemingly without any care for the battle that was about to take place, Weston shoved two soldiers out of his way and stepped onto the square. With this, everyone stopped and all eyes were on him. There was a moment of silence and confusion, before the Crucible soldiers all aimed their weapons at him. [b]"Two Blade..."[/b] Captain Storm muttered in surprised. The mayor looked at the newcomer with no care, only finding Weston to be a distraction. [b]"Shoot him!"[/b] Before any shots were heard, Weston's eyes widened for a brief second. A wave of intimidation swept over the entire square. The dozens of soldiers that were aiming at him began to shake and quiver, and despite having their weapons already pointed at him did not fire. Having felt the wave as well, Storm and Strong grimaced. [b]"You pansies! Shoot him!"[/b] But yet still, no shots were fired. With that out of the way, Weston started walking toward the two officers. [b]"Do you know who I am? The infamous Wind Mage, Captain Elijah Storm! Don't think I'm afraid of you, Bright! I can kill you single-handedly!"[/b] he began threatening, poising to strike at Weston now with his two fingers rather than at Vladmir. [b]"If you could kill me, you wouldn't be on an annexation team,"[/b] Weston said rather simply. His voice was perfectly calm, and even somewhat quiet. With that taunt, Storm swung his arm in a wide arc. In the blink of an eye, Weston leaned backwards, ducking under his invisible attack. Behind him, several soldiers received a deep laceration across their chest, sending them falling to the ground. Surprised by his speed, Storm paused a moment. He contemplated how wise it would be to fight this man. Then an idea came to mind. [b]"Lieutenant Strong, capture or kill this criminal."[/b] --- As quickly as she had appeared, the lizard girl started running again. Though this time, Aubrey felt it was understandable. He continued staring in the direction of the town square and even began to slowly walk toward it before he realized Emery and Isaac had approached him. As if snapping out of a daze, Aubrey adjusted his sunglasses and looked at them. [b]"We..."[/b] Before he could think of a plan, Isaac already came up with one. It was best to leave that sort of stuff to him. After all, Aubrey had to admit he was one of the smartest guys around. As Isaac explained his plan, Aubrey saw two people walking toward the town from the direction the ship had crashed. Considering they were unfamiliar faces, Aubrey figured they were from the freighter's crew. Then he noticed something else. The younger one had some kind of gun, and the older one had two large swords on his back. He continued watching them as they split up and the older one, which Aubrey also noticed had an eyepatch hiding under his bangs, started heading toward the town square. After that distraction, he turned his attention back to Isaac. [b]"Yeah, I'm going back to my house,"[/b] he confirmed. This much was a given. Without waiting for anyone else to agree, Aubrey broke into a run. There weren't many possessions at his house that he cared for. After all, his airbike was in a garage in Kuiper and he had no valuables other than that. But his mother was still bed-ridden. [I]How am I going to get her out of here?[/I] he began strategizing as he ran down the street. He skidded to a halt at a corner, before breaking out in another run toward his front door. [I]I don't think I'm strong enough to lift her, and she can't make it across town, let alone across the island. And at speed. And in a present danger...[/I] --- The green-haired woman seemed more intent on fuming than particularly paying any attention to Heizo. However, after a moment, she decided to look in the direction he was, to see what he was worried about. In the distance, barely visible over the treetops, she could see the top of a white Crucible ship. For a moment, she seemed confused and shocked. Then she scowled. [b]"Great."[/b] She pinched the bridge of her nose and closed her eyes. [b]"Of all the times..."[/b] Her train of thought was interrupted when she heard some shouting coming from below. The captain leaned over the railing, peering down to an unfamiliar face inquiring about the Free Wind. At first, she had a blank expression. But after he asked about taking on passengers, a scowl formed on her face again. [b]"Like hell am I taking any passengers!"[/b] she shouted down at him, even shaking her fist melodramatically. [b]"Does this look like a pleasure cruise!? Do I look like a chauffer!? This is my business! I give no free rides!"[/b] Then she paused a moment, glancing over at Heizo, before spontaneously kicking her own vessel. [b]"If this ancient thing could even fly!!"[/b]