The sky-people had come and caused his tribe pain. They had killed all of them but him and his brother. They watched as their parents and their friends were butchered. Their primitive weapons had no effect against the sky peoples flamesticks. Their metal weapons had sheared right through the armor that the sky-people wore as though it wasn't there. Now there was an enormous camp where his tribes city used to be. He and his brother were the white wolf twins and as such had always been outcasts in their new tribe. Recently there had been abductions amongst this new tribe of theirs. The children had started to go missing and the warriors had been dispatched, and his brother had been amongst them. The white wolf with crimson eyes they called his brother. His brothers actual name was Gnarl, and he had managed to become a respected member of the new tribe and a warrior. The warriors had been dispatched two moons ago and not a single one returned not even his brother. Now Grimroure the white wolf was alone in a world that would not accept them. He is not able to be a warrior even though he passed all the training for it, the chief would not allow him to become one due to a deep love that had developed between Grimroure and his daughter. If Grimroure had been a warrior he would be able to court her but the chief kept him just under that position as a scout. This did have perks though now Grimroure could survive in any environment and had all the combat training of a warrior. His brother had been allowed to be elevated to the status and had eventually had married the chiefs daughter against her will. Since then Grimroure and him had been estranged, however if the sky people have taken his brother then he will stop at nothing to kill them. Grimroure stood on a rock in a clearing of grass. His perch was above the tall strands of green and the wind blew around him. His spear was in his hand and his knife was on his belt. He stood majestically and let his white mane blow in the wind as he tried to catch the scent of his brother but it is to no avail. "Dammit, now not only has the bastard taken my love but now he has her worry night and day because of his mistakes. BASTARD WHERE ARE YOU!" he yells into the forest. Hearing a snap behind him and a click he froze. "Freeze lay the spear down or we will be forced to open fire." said a voice as two men came around in front of him. They were sky-people and as such he towered over him, but he had seen what their firesticks could do. Grimroure let out a low growl and the one on his left raised its firestick. "Tell gortex that we caught another white one for him to experiment on." the one on the right said into his helmet. Grimroures eyes widened and turned red. His heart beat faster and his entire body shook. "You have my brother." he said shaking with rage. "GIVE HIM BACK!" Grimroure roared as he launched his spear left and impaled the one with the firestick to the tree. The other one attempted to raise his weapon, but before he could his weapon was knocked away and he was picked up and slammed into a tree. Grimroure roared into his face then slammed him into the ground by his throat. Standing he threw the man into the rock effortlessly and jumped on him. His eyes and claws burned scarlet as he was completely overcome by rage and instinct. His fangs and claws ripped and tore at the screaming man until all that was left was a bloodied and shredded corpse. Standing Grimroure spoke "Now my enemy has a name......Gortex".