The commotion in the town square made Lena take pause as she peered between the buildings to see what was going on, someone was crawling put of tbe rubble of the destroyed town hall and too Lena's surprise she saw the mayor himself crawling out and getting on his own two feet. Mattaus had said he got blown straight through that place, she was honestly surprised to see he was alive. But his triumphant survival was about to be short lived as she watched the Commander who was a mage about to move his band in a cutting motion, a technique she recognized as she often used it herself in her own magic. It was about to he ended when suddenly all the soldiers stopped and turned, raising their rifles somewhere Lena could not see, she had to move to a better position and from there she saw a face she never thought she would see again, Weston was standing there, with those two massive swords on his back, Lena knew him from the League meeting she attended with her father. The man was at everyone and she could never forget him because of intimidating he looked but how kind he was to her when she was little. She was honestly surprised to see him here which meant that the freighter that crashed... she could not believe it, that was the Free Wind. There was no way these Crucible soldiers would be here otherwise. Great and now Weston was challenging the Commander, with how many soldiers there were she did not care how good Weston was, there was no way he could take on that many on his own. Thankful that she was so thin Lena squished herself between the buildings and down the small alley to cut towards the town square, she had no doubt that he could kill the commander easy but if those soldiers grew a pair and started shooting he was screwed.