"I..." Darlith slowed down her pace and stopped. She put her fingers on her temples and rubbed them. "I might have done that... I apologize. I've rarely travel with anyone, so this might seem strange to you, but I think..." she sighed and rubbed her eyes. "I think that this is why I managed to avoid Fusos and his men. I don't know if he's still searching for me or not, but I just can't take my chances." she looked at Nat, and then she moved her head and continued walking. "Let's continue along the road anyway, because if by any chance I didn't mislook - we've got someone on our backs." She smiled under her hood, thinking what a fool she's made of herself. "Nat, how much do you know of your mother, yourself?" she asked him, out of the blue and kept strolling along the path, looking over her shoulder from time to time. Eventually, they've got to an intersection and immediately noticed wagon tracks coming from another path, joining theirs. She looked at the direction where the tracks would have come from... "Doesn't this road lead to Damascus as well? How likely do you think that this is the same wagon that was in the city?"