Cassie felt herself smiling against his chest when the new Adrian's arms looped around her for the first time and she felt his embrace. His hugs were the same, although she supposed hugs from anyone would feel physically the same. But his hug gave her the same warm feeling of affection, peace, and safety that she had felt before and she willingly accepted it, almost seeming to melt into him. He vowed to never scare her they way he had that day again. He would never scare her like that again for anyone. After he had said this and before she had slid back into another hug she had smiled at his words, biting a corner of her mouth as she did so. "Yeah? Not for anyone?" Then she had been enveloped in another warm embrace again. "I'll hold you to that," Cassie said, a content sort of tone in her voice. She'd half forgotten the group of people still in the room watching them, and Cassie supposed they must have looked a bit ridiculous. Two grown adults just standing there hugging each other like they were the last two people on the planet. But she didn't really care what they thought at the moment so she wasn't too bothered by their audience. She cared about Adrian at the moment. That he was still alive, that they both were. That they had both made it out of this despite all of the odds that had been against them. And all she seemed to be able to do to celebrate was hug him and smile. Plus she was also afraid that she would slide to the floor and pass out if she let go of him. He confirmed once again that he and the Adrian she had spent the last several hours with were one and the same and Cassie nodded her head as she looked up at him and took a moment to study his features again. Despite the fact that she did believe it still seemed hard to...he just looked so different now. She supposed that this was all going to take some getting used to. Not just Adrian's new face but Adrian himself and the other secrets he was hiding. Not to mention aliens and monsters and secret government organizations. But Cassie knew she could get used to it, or at least she believed she could. All she needed was time and she definitely had time. He mentioned that he was starving, making a corner of her mouth twitch into a crooked grin. "I am, too. We should go get breakfast. Or actually...lunch? Is it lunchtime? I'm not sure." She let out a small laugh, but was silenced when she felt his warm lips press against her forehead. She closed her eyes as she allowed herself to be pulled into another hug and felt utterly content to stay there for a while. Then the moment passed and she heard Adrian cry and out felt his head jerk a bit. Cassie's eye opened and she pulled away from him slightly to look up at his face, her brow furrowed. "What's wrong?" she started to ask but was interrupted by the sound of something small and made of metal falling to the ground by their feet. Cassie looked down but Adrian had bent down to pick the thing up and it wasn't under he was standing again and looking down at his open palm that she saw what the object that had struck him was. A small metal key. Cassie looked from the key up to Adrian, almost ready to ask an inquisitive question, but a strange sort of grinding sound filled the room before she could say anything. The grinding was quiet at first, but gradually grew louder and louder, and as it did wind seemed to swirl around the room, blowing her hair into and around her face, and Adrian drew her into his arms again, protectively this time. And out of the corner of her eye she saw something beginning to materialize in front of them. Cassie watched, utterly mesmerized as the object seemed to fade in and out of existence to the sound of the grinding until everything finally stopped. And Cassie found herself staring at a wooden box roughly the size of a telephone booth, painted a brilliant blue color and with the words Police Public Call Box over the doors. It would have been such an ordinary looking thing if it hadn't just appeared ot of no where, and so Cassie looked at it with an utterly fascinated, albeit slightly intimidated, expression. Adrian seemed elated b the sight, and at the sound of his reassuring voice she looked up to see him smiling broadly at her. Then he looked back at the box and moved towards it. Cassie hung back, watching as he slowly reached out and used the key to unlock the doors and open them. Cassie couldn't really see the interior beyond a glowing light spilling from the doorway, but she was mainly watching Adrian as he took his first steps inside of the box. Then it happened rather fast. Cassie heard the creaking of wood and saw Adrian spin around in time to see the box's doors swinging shit and locking on their own accord, with him inside and her out. Cassie could feel her heart almost stop beating when the door's lock clicked, but it wasn't until the same grinding noise started to fill the air again that she realized what was happening. She let out a strangled cry of, "NO!" and rushed towards the doors, trying to pull them open initially but quickly gave that up when they wouldn't budge. She then started pounding on the wooden doors. "Adrian?! Adrian!!" She could feel pounding on the other side of the doors, and Adrian's frantic voice shouting her name. [i]"Cassie!"[/i] The box was beginning to fade in and out again and Cassie felt herself panicking. "Adrian!" she shouted back, not knowing it he could hear her. Her hands we pressed against the doors, though they were becoming less tangible by the second. [i]"I'll come back! Cassie! I will! I'm coming back!"[/i] Cassie was still for half a moment, suddenly aware of her vision becoming blurry as she watched the box flicker away, taking Adrian with it. [i]"Cassie!!!"[/i] "I'll wait for you!" Cassie yelled to him through the door as a tear slid down her cheek. "I promise! Come back to me!" And then it was gone, her hands that had been pressed against the door town touching only air. A breath escaped her, the sound quivering slightly as she stared straight ahead of her into the empty space the box had occupied only seconds ago. She felt gentle hands touch her shoulders. "He'll come back." It was Jack. "What if he can't?" Cassie was surprised by the fact that her voice didn't crack. Jack chuckled. "Oh, I don't think he'd let anything stop him from coming back for you, Cassie." Cassie closed her eyes. "How can you be so sure?" The man was quiet for a moment. "Because of the way he looks at you. And also...the Doctor always needed friends and companions. Why would Adrian be any different?" His hands left her shoulders. "I think you're going to do great, Cassie Baker. Perhaps even better than great." And then Cassie was left standing there for a long while. She wasn't sure how long she stood there but by the time she turned around Jack was gone and a large UNIT team had entered, some of them working to clean, others on quarantining everything. There was a man appearing to be in the middle of negotiating with Akana, and soldiers and security professionals making again. And talking to Martha and Dr. Malcolm was Patrick Kingston, who had been the one to lead them all. Cassie moved towards Martha, Malcolm, and Pat after making sure she didn't look like she had been crying, and as she got closer she guessed that Pat had been brought up to speed on what exactly had happened. He had been looking at the two doctors when he said, "So that's it? Monster's destroyed and the Doctor's back...well sort of, at least. But that's it right? it's over now?" "Not quite," Cassie said, slightly surprised since she hadn't really been planning on talking. But she seemed to be working on instinct. She almost marched up to Pat and planted herself in front of him as she gave him an unwavering look. "What about my house?" Pat seemed taken aback. "Your...your house?" "Yeah," Cassie said as she folded her arms. "MY house. The house that your people swarmed around and shot up with bullets and broke into and stampeded around in. That house." The man looked uncomfortable and awkward after she said this. "So, um, you're Cassidy?" "Cassidy Baker," Cassie confirmed in her business like tone. "Yep that's me. The girl with the house filled with a fortune's worth of damages. Damages cause by your people and that monster who almost killed me. Damages to the house that I grew up in and that my grandparents left me in their will. As well as damaged furniture and the door that got kicked in. And who's going to pay for all of those repairs? Me?" Pat looked from Martha to Cassie before looking back at Martha, as though pleading for help. Cassie, meanwhile, tilted her head as she watched the government employee she was making more and more flustered by the minute, and smiled a crooked little smile.