[i][b]Morningstar[/i][/b] You would never see it through her devil's head mask but Lucy's face slowly paled as Binary spoke, a combination of fear, apprehension, disgust and fury contorting her features. How could anyone do this to another human being? How could they look at that little girl and instead of seeing a person, instead see a resource to be exploited. Somehow it was worse that it was superhumans doing it to their own. It was perverse. She was filled with a sudden and intense urge to burn this place to the ground, to watch the cockroaches who did this flee the flames, then crush them under her heels. But she didn't work like that. She [b]couldn't[/b] work like that. In a world were men could leapfrog buildings or crush coal in their hands and turn it to diamonds a rash plan could get a mundie like her killed. Pariah had taught her how to fight with her head before she fought with her hands, and now was the time to use those skills. She knew she had to get the Conduit out of here, that much was obvious, but could she really leave those other captives in the thrall of Legion? The short answer was she could, but she wouldn't be able to sleep at night. “How fast can you get a strike force here Binary?” She asked, careful stepping around the room to strategically place sticky-cams, flash bangs and remote charges. Morningstar knew the League was stretched thin, but she also felt they had to bloody Legion's nose here. Everywhere else the elusive criminal organisation had kept them on the back foot, striking then fading into the shadows. The League needed a victory. Pariah's former apprentice stepped back into the hall, placing more charges in strategic locations. “If it comes down to it I'll grab the girl and run. I'll do it smiling, knowing how much it'll piss these guys off. I'm thinking I'd rather get all the hostages out though, then blow this place to hell. I could use four other sets of hands, five if we can spare them, and a readied evac.” [u][i]Mr Joe Black[/u][/i] “Thomas can bite my rotting, decomposing ass.” Stated Joe calmly, folding his arms like he wouldn't be moved on the subject. Stupid mage, trying to recreate a Green Lantern ring. Even in this day and age everyone knew that was impossible, willpower was just not a viable energy source. Joe had told Thomas this, often, loud and insultingly, but the magus never listened to him. Joe's dead eyes lit up when Prudence revealed she had snagged a lock of Thomas's hair, but for more reasons than she would have imagined. It wasn't a surprise that the glamour needed a touch of the essence of the person the wearer wanted to emulate, a lot of those 'chameleon' type spells did. Hair, blood, nail clippings, any of it would do. Once you had some of that you had a terrible control over a person if you knew the right spells. Magic users were very protective of such things for just that reason, and the fact Pru had some of her bosses hair was more than a touch incriminating. Maybe it was nothing more than a bit of harmless fun for her, but in wizarding circles it was incredibly bad form of her to have it. Joe filed that wee tasty bit of information away for future use. After all, having leverage over one of Thomas's apprentices was a useful thing indeed. “Ooo Thomas huh? I could have some fun with that. Lets see this glamour then, and make it snappy. I ain't gonna live forever.”