When her wrist and phone rang simultaneously, Silva swerved in her black SUV slightly and clumsily, being startled by the two types of ringing and vibrations. She blushed a bit, embarrassed for seemingly no reason - as no one else was with her in the vehicle - then carefully removed the left gauntlet and placed it atop the steering wheel so she could read while she drove. She read the list and saved it all onto the drive within the gauntlet with a few taps on the screen, then deleting the original copy. She figured she'd have time to encrypt her own list later; not that she'd ever been hacked before. While the list hung in front of her on the wheel, she wondered where to start since she was already in Personville. It'd been a year since she'd taken out her last mark, so a nice, easy, and quiet test for her seemed the best. Sliding her finger along the virtual list as she watched both the screen and the road, she highlighted the pastor's named with a quick swipe. [i]Well, it's a good thing I'm not religious....[/i] Silva thought to her self with a small giggle, which almost made her feel a little guilty. She sighed out her tension and took a deep breath, accelerating slightly, not really considering being inconspicuous. Like it mattered; there weren't many large black SUVs in a small town like this, so stealth went out the window earlier than anticipated. She turned on her GPS on her gauntlet, still attached to the wheel, locating the church with relative ease. She passed it without slowing down, quickly scanning the outskirts for anyone or anything out of place; this was an easy target, so she was prepared for competition.[i]This'll have to be quick, then,[/i] she thought, not that she really worked any other way. After rounding the block a couple times, she parked at a nearby truck-stop, behind it's building and next to two semi drivers who were still sleeping from night shifts. Hopefully she just looked like she worked there, or was running her own errand and needed rest as well. She giggled as she realized that in some way, she kind of was running an errand of her own. Swiftly, Silva attached her gauntlets and loaded the top and bottom launchers variously; even though there was no sign of her competitors, there would likely be a sign soon enough. After all, she couldn't be seen in her place, either. Dawning her grey cloak, she walked out from the SUV with the hood down and let the gentle breeze push the jacket against her ankles,, masquerading her trademark as a simple trench coat. After checking the streets to make sure she was alone, Silva dashed toward the church,and stood against the wall by the entrance, Her back to it as she used her gauntlet to active the cloak, light suddenly bending around her body, rendering her simply a part of the world's background. She was about to take a few steps inside before she realized she was just a floating head.She blushed and quickly pulled the cloak over her head, ducked it down, and nimbly stepped inside, [i[Nine minutes, forty nine seconds, [/i], she read off of the timer on her wrist, shutting the door silently. She moved quickly behind the pews toward a cracked-open doorway, hoping no one would notice the gap widening slightly more. [b]"Hello. I'm new in town and was just looking around for a place that my family and I can attend service. Is there anyway I can meet with the Pastor to discuss the congregation?"[/b] The words caught her attention, but his appearance did not. Was he competition, or was this simple coincidence? Luck or life-threatening? Silva slipped through the cracked door and found a set of nearby stairs, ascending to the upper pews to watch from above. Once she was up top, she grabbed a seat and deactivated her cloak into a simple trench coat once more and grabbed the bible from the pew in front of her to blend, just appearing to want to be alone up top looking for a little faith... and out of the mans line of sight. [i]Assassin or not, if he's getting to the pastor, I'm going with him...[/i]