[b]"Believe me, I know how stupid my decision to stab him was,"[/b] Alianor sighed, running a hand through her knotted hair. [b]"I will not say I am sorry I did so, because I am not, but it was impulsive and something similar should not happen again."[/b] She didn't look at Gort as she spoke. She knew very well that Ronan was a dangerous man and had never regarded him as anything but that. After all, he had quite calmly ordered for her guards to be killed. She also knew how simple it would be for him to just end her life and she wouldn't be able to do anything about it. The mention of Ronan's past, and the fact he had been a soldier, caused her to think of the brand she had seen over his heart the night before. She still had faint recognition but she wasn't sure. It would come to her. Although she was certain it was something to do with the King. [b]"Oh."[/b] Of course, she should have guessed. She had underestimated the bandits... But she knew Ronan wasn't exactly stupid. If she was allowed free with a ransom then she would undoubtedly try to lead people here. She knew it was what she would do, and the bandits knew. What use was money if it caused your death? She didn't looked angry at this fact, faint realisation dawning on her face before it fully sunk in bringing about something... more than grumpiness. She was certainly upset at the prospect of never seeing her family again. While she did not get on too well with her father, she had been rather close to her older brother and two younger ones. She had not seen them for a while anyway but now... It was different. But it could have been worse. For once she was glad that her husband was dead. If he had not been... well she had loved him. It would have been difficult. [b]"I guess I will try."[/b] She moved her gaze from were she was staring to glance up at Gort with a very faint, but pained, smile. Her words were quite genuine. If it had been Ronan saying this to her, well, she probably would have just glared and scoffed. But Gort had a certain wisdom about him and his words had a certain effect. She found herself listening to him, actually listening. She glanced about the camp, gaze flashing between the members as she took in what they were doing. No, she really didn't want to live here. But it seemed she would be for the time being. So maybe she would try to broaden her horizons just a bit. Some of the people here were nice enough, Gort and Kessah namely. She could tried. She didn't have to like it here, though. And she still wanted to try and escape. She caught Ronan's warm smile in her direction, not returning it but instead raising an eyebrow. The fact that he seemed so jovial even after she had stabbed him. She guessed it was what he'd wanted - he'd wanted her to lose control. She sighed softly, standing up and attempting to stretch out her muscles as much as possible. She certainly wasn't used to being sore like this, just as she wasn't used to doing any kind of physical work. She didn't really like it. At least she had clean clothes now, even if they were... leather. And included trousers. They were quite comfortable, though. More so than most of her dresses. Having successfully relieved the discomfort in a few places Alianor sat back down, once back staring off into space. Her thoughts varied, moving between those of what it would have been like if she hadn't been taken captive to the perfect parts of her past. She really did wish she could go back in time to then. Everything had been so easy, and she had enjoyed life so much, when she was younger. Before everything really started to go wrong.