[quote=QuietThinker] I.. wow. Ok. Want me to pray for you? [/quote] [quote=Lookie] Goodness, Fox! I hope the situation won't get any worse. I hope she's been able to find professional help, too. Friends are always good, but I've found that nothing helps these types of situations more than a good psychologist.If you'd be able to draw the logo that'd be great, though. None of the ones I've drawn are worth showing. No pressure though, I'd say that you have much more important things to do, right now.English, failing me. Can't... write... good English. [/quote] I know, man. Thanks, guys, but I'm good. We actually share about half a dozen serious mental disorders, which is one reason why we're so compatible, simply cuz we can relate a lot better than most people. For us in particular, shrinks don't really help because of frequent misdiagnosis and stuff, but when she leans on me, we get by pretty well. Like I said, it's pretty complicated, but that's why I've been MIA. Looks like I didn't hold anyone up, though, so that's a plus. I actually moved back. I'm fifteen and she's sixteen. I promised that there'd never be anyone in her place, back when we were officially together, and I intend to keep that promise, even if she doesn't. Her life means more to me than my own actually. I should just write all this in one place sometime so I can link it or something.