[center]24[/center] --- Calixta turned back to face Shui at the woman's words and nervously bit her lip. Was she just supposed to reach out and touch him? Upon a closer observation, her seafoam green eyes took in his aqua hair that was combed back in just the right style, his ethereal facial features and his skin that was slightly darker than Calixta's own pale complexion. If he was alive on Nymphe, many women would have fallen for him, especially with those wings. The wings! She had only heard of the wings in the old books she read but never imagined it to be true. They seemed to change color all on their own, but one thing confused her: in all the books she read, the wings were supposed to stay one color after the individual found their identity...so why hadn't Shui's changed into a single color? Why was his body preserved here? Why did the cloaked woman not get upset at finding that it wasn't Geneve who had come to Tenebra? This, along with many other questions, jumbled her thoughts and made her even more confused than ever. She needed answers, wanted answers, but knew not where to find them. In an act of desperate measure, she tentatively reached forward with her right hand and indeed hoped for the best. Her hand was met with little resistance to the clear water, and she smiled at the scent: a mild, subtle rosy perfume that was so reminiscent of home. The moment she touched it, a cool sensation hit her fingers as well as her mind, like a breath of fresh air. And then...a voice in her head. [i]Hello, Gene-- ah, Calixta,[/i] said the voice, whom she could only imagine was Shui. It was a soothing baritone, a voice that reminded her of a stream that smoothed pebbles at the bottom of its depths. [i]You are a pleasant surprise, my dear, but not entirely unexpected. Now, what can I answer for you?[/i] Calixta's eyes widened at his words, and she mentally blurted, [i]Oh! You're...real? Or is this all in my head?[/i] [i]Of course this is in your head. Or rather, my head. But why should that mean that it's not real? Come now, this is about as real as the sky is blue and the grass is green. Anyway, have you found within yourself who you are and who you want to be?[/i] [i]I...I don't know yet. I've felt so lost ever since Acheron passed on into eternity...I don't know who I am anymore, only that he took a large piece of me with him...[/i] Tears welled up at her lower lids, threatening to spill out. [i]Calixta, what do nymphs value the most?[/i] [i]Beauty, both inside and out. And also sharing the beauty with others.[/i] [i]And how does that happen? How do people share beauty?[/i] Shui's voice got progressively firmer, like he was really pushing to make a point. The girl thought for a minute, and then answered, [i]Love is essential in sharing beauty. Love allows people to see others' beauty as well as share the gift with others.[/i] [i]And would you say that romantic love is the only kind of love in the world?[/i] [i]I suppose not...[/i] [i]Then that is the answer.[/i] What? Calixta opened her eyes, confused at Shui's words. Then without having to ask, he answered: [i]You are a broken person, Calixta...and nymphs like beauty and love because it makes them feel whole inside. Friends are very powerful in this world...[/i] The girl's raven hair whipped lightly over one shoulder as she turned to look at the other mages at their respective Pillars, and her eyes finally rested on Aravan. No, no. There was no way she could be friends with a monster. That's what they all were. Monsters! Even Dunkelheit had betrayed his friends. Disgust filled her mind once more, but it was quickly shot down by Shui. [i]...Even demons have good qualities, child. You could learn a thing or two from being in this group. Now, do you understand everything I have told you?[/i] [i]Yes...I think so. I'm an empty riverbed...but I want to be an ocean full of life! I want...I want to feel love again.[/i] [i]Good girl,[/i] Shui replied, a smile in his tone. [i]And then, you wanted to know about these wings, did you not?[/i] [i]Yes, I did, but I didn't know if I was allowed to ask you or not.[/i] [i]Even when I was born, wings were becoming increasingly rare. Those who were born with them were seen as people who had a great destiny ahead of them. Of course, I assume you know the history of this gift...Wings are supposed to turn a solid color when the bearer has reached a certain mental and emotional maturity; a time when they have reached a 'self-actualization,' if you will. Obviously, I did not reach mine. I, too, lost a loved one and went wandering aimlessly until the day when the Sages decided to seal ourselves in this tomb. It was only then that I realized love can be found in other places than with a wife to have and to hold. I sincerely hope you do not make the same mistake, Calixta.[/i] [i]No sir![/i] she responded, nodding her head. She felt herself being pulled out of Shui's mind, an odd sensation that felt like someone was tugging a string attached to the pit of her stomach, using it to pull her out. When she felt his presence gone, she found herself looking into the face of the sleeping male nymph. Was that a smile on his face or...? Calixta smiled back anyway, grateful for the direction and meaning he gave her. Just as she turned and held her hand out, a booming voice resonated throughout the courtyard, accompanied by a burning Aravan, and she gulped down nothingness as she watched the demon burn away into dust and ash. She cast her gaze downward, terrified and feeling very awkward all the same. Lamely she held out her arm, palm facing up, and looked forward again, willing herself not to look in the direction of the now empty Pillar of Darkness.