Headphones, I have one more small (and hopefully less stupid) question for you. I saw you mentioned the University of Business and Management, the University of Law and Business and Oblak's Musical university. Would there also be a university of the (literary) arts? Or would one of the other universities have a faculty of arts? (With arts I mean studies such as history, psychology, sociology, different languages, journalism etc.) I believe I remember reading about such a thing but when I searched the site and the intro post, I couldn't find it. [quote=Headphones] I live in Bulgaria =3 Lovely little place at the end of the world XD [...].And I feel the need to share this here, because I am in love with this song X3 [/quote] Bulgariaaa, goodness now I'm really jealous of you guys. America, Finland, Bulgaria. Such beautiful and interesting places T-T Also, I listened to the song and I loved it ;3