So from what im catching, the stuff that isn't taken is: Famine, Death?, and Random Minion A. I honestly would like to do famine. I imagine that food seems to spoil way too fast, mold and other food born bacteria begin to grow more efficiently, crops are swarmed by locusts, and people become irrationally hungry. I don't know if crazy cannibals would be good, but it might be fun and creepy enough. I do like dark, dire situations like that, so I think I could work with it. I am obviously on the Anti-zombie bandwagon, because I am tired of zombies, they aren't that scary, I mean, we already have cannibals, AKA, intelligent zombies, so why not go for something like this: A weaponized virus is created, but it is let loose in [Insert town name here]. The virus spreads in a gaseous form at first, but then it begins to infect through contact, and you can't tell who is infected. This leads to mass panic in the city, people wearing haz-mat suits, while people loot stores for supplies.