Just a few moments after she told Toroto to remain quiet, her path became blocked by a child who came and called out to her as he stopped in her path. This caused her to come to a sudden stop, and she just barely managed to keep her balance in front of the kid. He appeared to be fairly young, and Nakako figured he was about eight or nine years old. He asked for help in finding his parents and also described what was going on in the town square, or what he saw anyways. Nanako thought about it for a few seconds. If she were to go and help the kid, she would be risking being captured by the Cruicble, which would mean she would be losing Toroto as well as losing her freedom. On the other hand, this kid's parents were missing, so taking him away would most likely be a bad idea. She just met him, but he already served more of a problem then she though. She thought about what she will do for a moment, noticing Toroto didn't give a very eager to help look to her [b]"Listen kid, its not exactly the safest of things to go looking for your parents, so I'll help you out, but we can only look for them for a few minutes. After that, we'll need to head to safety, and after this whole mess is done, I'll help you look for them properly, if we don't find them before."[/b] She told him. After looking at the direction of the young man from before, was now headed away in a different direction, she looked in the direction of the town square for a moment before looking back at the young boy [b]"Lets start with your house. Where do you live?"[/b] Nanako asked, and then realised she was slightly impolite [b]"And my name is Nanako, by the way. What's yours?"[/b] She asked while waiting to see where will the boy lead her off to.