[center][u][b]Setting[/b][/u] (The setting has not changed much) The setting will be the four nations of the realm—[url=http://fireemblem.wikia.com/wiki/Ylisse_(Country)]Ylisse[/url], [url=http://fireemblem.wikia.com/wiki/Ferox]Ferox[/url], [url=http://fireemblem.wikia.com/wiki/Plegia]Plegia[/url], and [url=http://fireemblem.wikia.com/wiki/Valm]Valm[/url]. [u][b]Classes[/b][/u] Classes are used to describe a character’s fighting style. For instance, Paladins are mounted warriors, Mages use tomes to cast spells, etc. The full list of classes can be found [url=http://fireemblem.wikia.com/wiki/List_of_Fire_Emblem:_Awakening_Classes]here[/url]. [u][b]Rules[/b][/u] - Basic RPG rules apply. - This is a semi-lit RP; two-three paragraphs minimum per character and proper grammar is required in each post. - What I say goes. If I am not here, listen to the co-GM. - Will there be romance? Hell yeah. Just be sure to keep it PG-13. If you want to RP the icky stuff, go elsewhere, please. - I will accept no second tiers at the start of the RP. - Supports (also known as important conversations) are going to be in the RP. There are four levels of supports—C (basic conversation), B (explanation of a character’s backstory/beginning of bonding), A (strong bond is formed), and S (marriage). To save time, I’d appreciate it if RPers would work on their supports on a collaboration site. That way you can copy and paste it into one large post. The collab site is located [url=https://titanpad.com/lhT7cF9cg5]here[/url]. - If you have more than one character, please try and submit one form per post. - Have fun! [u][b]Form[/b][/u] Username: Name: Age: [17-25 please!] Gender: Birthday/Zodiac: [Insert your character’s birthday and zodiac sign!] Allegiance: [Sacred Blades, Grimleal, or Other?] Class: Clothing: Weapons: Appearance: [Anime appearances only.] Personality: History: Ability: [What they’re good at!] Quirk: [What makes them stand out from the rest of the group? For instance, they’re the best climber, the best chef, the best singer, etc.] Strengths: [Three max.] Weaknesses: [Three min.] Likes: Dislikes: Other: [/center] You know the drill, folks, get those characters up.